
This is a short script for reading signals from a muse meditation device into a python code

Primary LanguagePython


This repository is built to provide an easy object-oriented interface for muselsl for use in hackathons, personal projects, etc..

See these files in the src folder

Additionally, several python files in the root folder and serve as live examples as part of a DSP and Gesture Recognition workshop that I instruct.

Code Sources

This project relies on BlueMuse:


and muselsl:



 author       = {Alexandre Barachant and
                 Dano Morrison and
                 Hubert Banville and
                 Jason Kowaleski and
                 Uri Shaked and
                 Sylvain Chevallier and
                 Juan Jesús Torre Tresols},
 title        = {muse-lsl},
 month        = may,
 year         = 2019,
 doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3228861},
 url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3228861}


All this examples assume a working BlueMuse connection on a windows pc.

download the required python packages with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

run file MuseReaderSlidesExamples.py without modifications and with a working BlueMuse connection to see the setup is working.


MuseReaderSlidesExamples.py has various documented examples on how to use this package. change the function being called at the end of the file for different examples