Input options
Details about the format and contents in input json files are discussed here
short | long | details |
-w | --weeks | Length of simulation in weeks (default: 12) |
-t | --deltat | Length of timestep in minutes (default: 10) |
-n | --numagents | Number of agents (default: -1) |
-N | --numlocs | Number of dummy locations (default: -1) |
-P | --progression | Path to the config file for the progression matrices. (default: ../inputFiles/progressions/transition_config.json) |
-a | --agents | Agents file, for all human being in the experiment. (default: ../inputFiles/agents.json) |
-A | --agentTypes | List and schedule of all type fo agents. (default: ../inputFiles/agentTypes.json) |
-l | --locations | List of all locations in the simulation. (default: ../inputFiles/locations.json) |
-L | --locationTypes | List of all type of locations (default: ../inputFiles/locationTypes.json) |
-p | --parameters | List of all general parameters for the simulation except the progression data. (default: ../inputFiles/parameters.json) |
-c | --configRandom | Config file for random initialization. (default: ../inputFiles/configRandom.json) |
--closures | List of closure rules. (default: ../inputFiles/closureRules.json) | |
-r | --randomStates | Change the states from the agents file with the configRandom file's stateDistribution. |
--outAgentStat | name of the agent stat output file, if not set there will be no print (default: "") | |
--diags | level of diagnositcs to print (default: 0) | |
--otherDisease | Enable (1) or disable (0) non-COVID related hospitalization and sudden death (default: 1) | |
--mutationMultiplier | infectiousness multiplier for mutated virus (default: 1.0) | |
-k | --infectionCoefficient | Infection: >0 :infectiousness coefficient (default: 0.000374395) |
--dumpLocationInfections | Dump per-location statistics every N timestep (default: 0) | |
--dumpLocationInfectiousList | Dump per-location list of infectious people (default: "") | |
--trace | Trace movements of agent (default: 4294967295) | |
--quarantinePolicy | Quarantine policy: 0 - None, 1 - Agent only, 2 - Agent and household, 3 - + classroom/work, 4 - + school (default: 3) | |
--quarantineLength | Length of quarantine in days (default: 10) | |
--testingProbabilities | Testing probabilities for random, if someone else was diagnosed at home/work/school, and random for hospital workers: comma-delimited string random,home,work,school,hospital,nurseryHome (default: 0.0001,0.02,0.001,0.001,0.01,0.1) | |
--testingRepeatDelay | Minimum number of days between taking tests (default: 5) | |
--testingMethod | default method for testing. Can be PCR (default) on antigen. Accuracies are provided in progression json input (default: PCR) | |
--enableClosures | Enable(1)/disable(0) closure rules defined in closureRules.json (default: 1) | |
--disableTourists | enable or disable tourists (default: 1) | |
--immunizationStart | number of days into simulation when immunization starts (default: 0) | |
--immunizationsPerDay | number of immunizations per day (default: 0) | |
--immunizationOrder | Order of immunization (starting at 1, 0 to skip) for agents in different categories health workers, nursery home worker/resident, 60+, 18-60 with underlying condition, essential worker, 18+ (default: 1,2,3,4,5,6) | |
-h | --help | Print usage |
--version |