
CLI client for TSWeb

Primary LanguageGo


TScli - a very simple terminal-based client for TSWeb online judge. It supports submitting problems and receiving feedback on them.


Use go install github.com/khbminus/tscli to install TScli into $GOBIN or $GOHOME/bin or $HOME/go/bin.


# => login into TSWeb account and save credentials to ~/.tscli.global
tscli login
# Set contest (and download statements) for current local config (with dialog)
tscli local set-contest
# Set contest for current local config (with specific id)
tscli local set-contest --id="id"
# Create/Update local config(.tscli.local) and parse problems/compilers
tscli local parse
# Set compiler for submits  
tscli local set-compiler
# Show local config
tscli local show
# Submit file <ProblemId>.<ext> (e.g. 2A.cpp)
tscli submit <ProblemId>.<ext>
# Submit file and specify problem
tscli submit -p 2A file.extension


TScli uses two configuration files: global - $HOME/.tscli.global with credentials and .tscli.local (search in parent directories is supported) with data specific to a contest.