
Primary LanguageHTML

About Me

This is a single page website serving the below purposes:

  1. To apply my knowledge in website development obtained through self learning prior to attending a coding bootcamp
  2. To briefly introduce myself and share my interest in photography

Preview link: https://rawgit.com/khchick/about_me/master/index.html


The site consists of the following parts and functionalities (from top to bottom):

  1. Navigation
    • Sticky to the top with smooth scrolling effect
  2. Hero carousel
    • Serves as a teaser for the photo gallery
    • Therefore without control but will auto rotate
  3. About Me
    • Self introduction
  4. My Work
    • A carousel containing thumbnails linking to another carousel presented in lightbox format, presenting images in maximum size
    • "Pagination" is achieved by making use of the thumbnail carousel, where the tabs "COLOR" and "B&W" are actually the Prev and Next controls
      • This is done on purpose to avoid reloading the page
  5. Contact
    • A dummy contact form without posting function
    • To be updated
  6. Keep in Touch
    • A collection of social media links
    • To be updated


Feel free to share it with anyone who is looking for a coding peer or has common interest in photography. Critisms are welcomed!

Built with

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaSript
    • The only custom JS is for smooth scrolling
    • Thanks to Joseph Silber for providing the solution here
  • With the use of:
    • Bootstrap (front-end framework)
    • JQuery (JavaScript library)


  • GIT has been used for version control
  • The oldest version pushed to GitHub is v1.0 with all core functions completed


King Hei Chick