Home Assistant integration for S3

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This custom integration provides a service for uploading files to an S3 bucket. Create your S3 bucket via the AWS console, remember bucket names must be unique. I created a bucket with the default access settings (allpublic OFF) and created a bucket name with format my-bucket-ransom_number with random_number generated on this website.

Note for a local and self-hosted alternative checkout the official Minio integration.

Installation and configuration

Place the custom_components folder in your configuration directory (or add its contents to an existing custom_components folder). Add to your Home Assistant configuration UI or add to your configuration.yaml:

  aws_access_key_id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY
  aws_secret_access_key: AWS_SECRET_KEY
  region_name: eu-west-1 # optional region, default is us-east-1


The s3 entity exposes a put service for uploading files to S3. The key for the uploaded file will be the file name.

Example data for service call:

  "storage_class":"STANDARD_IA" # optional

The file will be put in the bucket with key

Example automation

The following automation uses the folder_watcher to automatically upload files created in the local filesystem to S3:

- id: '1587784389530'
  alias: upload-file-to-S3
  description: 'When a new file is created, upload to S3'
    event_type: folder_watcher
    platform: event
      event_type: created
    service: s3.put
      bucket: "my_bucket"
      key: "input/{{ now().year }}/{{ (now().month | string).zfill(2) }}/{{ (now().day | string).zfill(2) }}/{{ trigger.event.data.file }}"
      file_path: "{{ trigger.event.data.path }}"
      storage_class: "STANDARD_IA"

Note you must configure folder_watcher.

Accessing S3

I recommend Filezilla for connecting to your S3 bucket, free version is available.