CosmosDB simple load tests
cosmosdbtest@oath-ne-vm8:~$ java -cp simpletests-0.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar SimpleTests --help
log4j:ERROR Could not find value for key log4j.appender.A1.layout
Usage: <main class> [options]
--collection, -col
CosmosDB collection ID
Default: testcol
Set the connection mode for the client
Default: DirectHttps
--connectionPoolSize, -cps
Connection pool size
Default: -1
Set the consistency level for the client
Default: Session
--database, -db
CosmosDB database ID
Default: testdb
--docIdToRead, -idToRead
The Document ID to read
Default: <empty string>
--docIdsFilePath, -idFile
The file containing the Document IDs to read
Default: <empty string>
--endpoint, -e
CosmosDB endpoint
Default: <empty string>
Show this program usage
Set the idle connection timeout time in seconds for the client
Default: -1
--key, -k
CosmosDB key
Default: <empty string>
Latency logging: Number of requests to write in one log file
Default: 250000
Latency logging: Log latency from the requests to this path
Default: <empty string>
--operation, -o
Operation (read, write, write-read, read-throughput)
Default: write-read
Number of operations for each thread to run
Default: 9223372036854775807
--partitionKey, -pk
CosmosDB partition key
Default: id
--preferredRegions, -r
CosmosDB preferred regions
Default: West US
Latency logging: Set to true to print the latency to the console
Default: false
Set the request timeout time in seconds for the client
Default: -1
--threads, -t
The number of threads to spawn
Default: 100
Latency logging: Number of requests which latency is not logged at the
start of the run
Default: 1000