
Welcome to my first Script. First off all i get a little bit of Code from esx_drugs to get the Dealer working.

What is the dealer? Its an Simple Person who buy every Item you write in the Config.

Its an Simple but Powerfull Script.

#It have an own NpcSpawn Script inside where you can spawn [A] The Dealer

[B] Whatevery NPC you want at every Point you want

#Fully customizable to create your own Dealer

#Works perfectly with the buglary script so you can sell the items you robbed

#Clean Code

#Every important Code is marked with an information what is does

#Doesnt Need a Serverrestart to start the script

#No SQl File (I hate this xD)

Requirements: Nothing!

Installation: Just download it and Drag in Drop it into your Ressource/[esx] Folder Add start allrounddrugdealer into your Server.cfg and thats it