
A google map project that visualize the provinces of Philippines fetching data from google spreadsheet using the express node framework to connect the google map API and the google spreadsheet API


Node.js installed

Follow Google's Documentation on how to turn on your Google Sheets API to create a client_secret.json file.

Google Credentials

A Google Account

Build with

Express framework module


Running the Test

  • read.js is the module file that use expressNode calls when connecting and fetching data from Google SpreadSheet API
  • index.js This app starts a server and listens on port 3000 for connections.
node index.js /// to start the web app

exports.readSheet = function(sheetID, callback)

  • sheetID - the module needs this parameter which is used to identify which spreadsheet is to be accessed.
  • callback - This parameter calls a callback function.


  • change the sheetID variable in index.js
let sheetID = '1_tG0XIS00c2NrB_YourSpreadSheetIDHere'
  • change the range variable in read.js
 let sheets = google.sheets('v4');
      auth: auth,
      spreadsheetId: sheetID,
      range: 'data1!A3:D', /// refers to a group of cells in the spreadsheet