A current draft of the manuscript describing Metaboverse can be found here.
Metabolism and its component reactions are complex, each with variable
inputs, outputs, and modifiers. The harmony between these factors
consequently determines the health and stability of a cell or organism.
Perturbations to any component of a reaction can have rippling downstream
effects, which can be difficult to trace across the global reaction
network, particularly when the effects occur between canonical
representations of pathways. Researchers have primarily utilized
reductionist approaches to understand metabolic reaction systems; however,
customary methods often limit the scope of the analysis. Even the power of
systems-centric omics approaches can be limited when only a handful of
high magnitude signals in the data are prioritized. To address these
challenges, we developed Metaboverse, an interactive tool for the
exploration and automated extraction of potential regulatory events,
patterns, and trends from multi-omic data within the context of the
metabolic network and other global reaction networks. This framework will
be foundational in increasing our ability to holistically understand
static and temporal metabolic events and perturbations as well as gene-
metabolite intra-cooperativity.
Detailed walkthroughs and additional usage information can be found in the documentation.
- An internet connection for network curation
- The Metaboverse app for your operating system
- Download the appropriate Metaboverse app
file for your operating system from this location. - Unzip the downloaded folder
- Open the
app - Please refer to the documentation for more information.
You can access some example network curations with biological data here -- download the .json.zip