
welcome into my dev box setup, welcome to my imaginarium!

Primary LanguageVim Script


This is my development machine. be aware that this is mine and what works for me does not necessarily work for you.

H/W Configuration

Azure Ds series v3 (v3 to support nested virtualization). With the following configuration:

  • OS disk: 2048GB
  • additional disk: code - 2048GB
  • additional disk: data - 2048GB

Large disks are used to get higher i/o quotas

mounting disks

create directories

note the below redirect home to one of the data disks.

sudo -s
mkdir /opt/code
mkdir /opt/data
mkdir /opt/code/home/khenidak

# own them
chown -R khenidak:khenidak /opt/code
chown -R khenidak:khenidak /opt/data

create the following files

Description=mount data disk

What=/dev/disk/azure/scsi1/<FIND THE LUN IN DISKS VIEW>

Description=mount code disk

What=/dev/disk/azure/scsi1/<FIND THE LUN IN DISKS VIEW>


Change user name as needed, don't forget to change the directory in /opt

Description=bind home


enable and start the units

systemctl enable opt-data.mount
systemctl enable opt-code.mount
systemctl enable opt-code-home-khenidak.mount

systemctl start opt-data.mount
systemctl start opt-code.mount
systemctl start opt-code-home-khenidak.mount

Basic software

packages i use are in ./installed-packages

they were captured with apt list --installed 2>/dev/null | sed '/^$/d' | awk '{split($0,a,"/"); print a[1]}' > ./installed-packages

to install them run xargs -n 1 -I{} sudo apt install -y {} < <( cat ./imaginarium/installed-packages)

configuring the box

bash profile

load up additional bash setting by adding this to your bashrc source ./imaginarium/box/.bashrc__extra


link tmux configuration file to what is in the imaginarium ln -s ./imaginarium/box/.tmux.conf ./.tmux.conf


The entire setup uses git submodules. You will need to perform after first pull

git submodule update --init --recursive

Like everything else these submodules may depend on other submodules (YCM does that) and also like everything else these submodules undergo updates and bug fixes so it is always a good idea to bring in the latest. Depending on your git config YMMV on how to bring the latest. This answer covers the details https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18770545/why-is-my-git-submodule-head-detached-from-master/55570998#55570998

TL;DR; submodules refs are on commits. When you use git submodule update .. you are bringing down the same refs (detached). To work around that use git submodule update --remote --rebase to ff your refs.

add the following to ~/.vimrc

source /home/khenidak/imaginarium/box/.vimrc

In my setup i have empty .vimrc on home directory with just sourcing whatever i have in my imaginarium

build YouCompleteMe

cd ~/.vim/bundles/YouCompleteMe/
python3 install.py --all

note: install .net if you are building for omnisharp, details here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/install/linux-package-manager-ubuntu-1804. Also check https://github.com/ycm-core/YouCompleteMe for more details about YCM

additional software packages: nodejs etc

-nodejs: I use a more modern v 10.x nodejs (for typescript). Follow instruction here: https://github.com/nodesource/distributions/blob/master/README.md

additional software: azure cli

follow: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/install-azure-cli-apt?view=azure-cli-latest



my day starts with

  1. sDev xyz where xyz is whatever i am working in. That starts (or connects to existing) tmux session. iDev starts a default profile named kal where core stuff are always there.
  2. the session is kept with multiple tabs panes etc with code (vi) running.

** TODO nested virtual machines