
An event hub receiver that runs on service fabric

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


An Event Hub receiver that runs on Microsoft Azure Service Fabric. The listener allows you to

  1. Use Service Fabric partitions to distribute the receiver on Service Fabric partitions.
  2. Use Service Fabric reliable state to store Event Hub offsets.

Typical Use Cases

The sample Service Fabric application contains a complete working service that uses the listener.

// implement IEventHubEventsProcessor

class myEventProcessor : IEventHubEventsProcessor
     public Task<bool> ProcessEventsAsync(IEnumerable<EventData> events, IEventHubPartitionState state)

         foreach (var evt in events)
           // process events!
             ServiceEventSource.Current.Message("Got Event:{0}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(evt.GetBytes()));

                 optionally update the state on event by event bases.
                 state.Offset = evt.Offset;
                 await state.SaveAsync();

         // or tell the listener to update the state batch by batch
         return Task.FromResult(true);

         // if you return false here, you are responsible to save the state when you see fit


// else where in the code
// 1: Create a state factory
  as you read events from event hub you need to maintain a state (combination of partition + offset in the partition). this state is
  a marker to last event you have read (in order to avoid to duplicates).

  default state factory uses Service Fabric Reliable State to store state as in IReliableDictoinary<string, DefaultPartitionState>

  You can implement different PartitionStateFactory & Partition State (example: using the listener in a stateless service).

var factory = new DefaultPartitionStateFactory(this.StateManager); // other overloads allows you to override default dictionary name
                                                                   // and/or entries prefix (for example if you want to use one dictionary for multiple listeners).

// 2) listener options

    because listener distribute loads among service fabric partitions of the current service
    you will need to identify the current partition id + Service name

    or if you intent to manually map a single service fabric service partitions to event hub partition
    then you can use this CTOR, the listener will not query other partitions of the service hence it won't need a fabriClient instance
    var options = new EventHubListenerOptions(currentSFPartition);  
          var currentSFPartition = this.Context.PartitionId.ToString();
          var currentServiceName = this.Context.ServiceName;

// if you have restricted access to cluster then you will need a to create a fabric client (with security) and pass it to the options
var options = new EventHubListenerOptions(currentSFPartition, currentServiceName);

// set the processor
options.Processor = new myEventProcessor(); // this is a class that implements IEventHubEventsProcessor

Supported Modes:

  1- SafeDistribute: Maps 1..n Event Hub Partitions to 1 Service Fabric partition.
                    will throw an exception if service fabric partitions are > Event hub partition

   2- Distribute: maps 1..n event hub partitions to 1 service fabric partition
                  if service fabric partitions are > event hub partitions, the remaining partitions will not
                  get any distribution (i.e Event processor will not be created on them).

   3- OneToOne: maps one to one event hub partition: Service Fabric Partition
                Service Fabric partition has to = Event Hub Partitions (or an exception will be thrown)

    4- Single: maps a single event hub partition to a single service fabric partition.
               Event Hub communication listener will expect a supplied valid event hub partition id
options.ListenerMode = EventHubListenerMode.SafeDistribute;

// Set the Partition State Factor
options.StateFactory = factory;

// Set Connection String
options.EventHubConnectionString = mEventHubConnectionString;
// Set Event Hub Name
options.EventHubName = mEventHubName;

// optionally set consumer group name (not setting it will default to "default consumer group")
//options.EventHubConsumerGroupName = "BE01";

    Addtional Options

        Use event hub Epochs (details: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/gyan/archive/2014/09/02/event-hubs-receiver-epoch.aspx)

   (the below helps if you switching from receivers running elsewhere to Service Fabric)
   (details for the below: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/microsoft.servicebus.messaging.eventhubconsumergroup.createreceiver.aspx)

        Events only newer than UTC Date

        Specific Offset  
        options.StartWithOffset("MyOffSet", bInclusive)             

    you can also chain the call   

// override default batch size
//options.BatchSize = 100;

mEventHubListener = new EventHubListener(options);

// the above creates a listener typically used by CreateServiceReplicaListeners() of your replica

// In RunAsync()
    await mEventHubListener.StartAsync();