The Hopcroft-Karp algorithm is an algorithm that takes as input a bipartite graph and produces as output a coupling of maximum cardinality,i.e.a set of edges as large as possible with the property that two edges never share an end.
Run the program
To run the code I provided a jar "HopJar.jar"
java -jar HopJar.jar
make sure to run the jar where the testData directory is available otherwise the code will not find where to searcch
when you run jar you will get this screen
| || |___ _ __ __ _ _ ___ / _| |_| |/ /__ _ _ _ _ __
| __ / _ \ '_ \/ _| '_/ _ \ _| _| ' </ _` | '_| '_ \
|_||_\___/ .__/\__|_| \___/_| \__|_|\_\__,_|_| | .__/
|_| |_|
This tool will help you compute HopcroftKarp algorithm.
--help,-h -> see help.
--compute <fileName> -c <fileName> -> compute result.
--genSol <fileName>, -gs <fileName> -> generate a file with the solution.
--clean, -cl -> clean the console
Note :
Please when giving a file name don't provide the extension for security,
reasons we only allow .sol(output) .gr(input)
Run test
To run test fire your IDE and launch them from the test file "/src/test/java/HopcroftKarpTests.java"