PECS (Producer Extends Consumer Super) in JAVA
In this gitHub repository I will try to explain the PECS rule as I understand and as I learned from my teacher and what I found on the internet.
0. Personnel opinion about the matter
To be honest understanding the PECS rule was one of the hardest things I ever encountered while learning Java and im sure that there are some other hidden aspects of this rule that are not out on the web and that you will get used to as you code.
1. Introduction
The PECS rule means Producer -> Extends, Consumer -> Super you will use this rule when you are dealing with Generics,
especially with Java when you are going to be picking between using an <? extends Class>
or <? super Class>
The rule is supposed to make your life easier while dealing with this TORTUROUS problem.
but no one really explains how to use this problem, and sometimes you will think of a Producer as Consumer and
Consumer as a Producer, so bear with me will I try to explain it to myself and to the people reading this paper.
2. super and extends ?
<? super Class>
2.1 What is <? super Class>
means that whatever type that you are going to accept have to be or contain either the typeClass
or bigger
<? extends Class>
2.2 What is <? extends Class>
means that whatever type that you are going to accept have to be or contain either the type Class
or smaller
2.3 Drawing that explains what I mean
| +--------------------------------------+ |
| +--------------------------------------+ |
| |--- ? super YOU
| +------------------------+ |
| +------------------------+ |
| +--------------+ |
| +--------------+ | IN BOTH AREAS
| +--------------+ |
| | YOUR KID | |
| +--------------+ |
| |--- ? extends YOU
| +-----------------------+ |
| +-----------------------+ |
3. Producer and Consumer ?
3.1 What is Producer ?
A Producer is for example a list that we are going to ONLY READ FROM.
3.2 What is a Consumer ?
A Consumer is for example a list that we are going to ONLY WRITE INTO.
4. BOXES are the solution
4.1 You CAN'T put a BIGGER BOX into A SMALLER one, You CAN only put a SMALLER BOX into a bigger one !
Pretty simple and logical right but basically this the simple concept that helped me understand this PECS rule all credits goes this answer on Stackoverflow : answer link So let's say we have a box from now on I will be giving example using that box.
4.2 Producer and boxes
The Producer will be something that we are going to read from (in our case we can see it as a box of some type) and put its elements inside our box, that means that those
elements can't be bigger but at least equal to our box and in Java the only way we have to know if the box is smaller is by checking if the type of the elements extends form the wanted type (the type of the elements we are going to put in our box ),
and that where the <? extends Class>
comes from
4.3 Consumer and boxes
The Consumer will be something that we are going to write into (in our case we can see it as a box of some type) and put our elements (elements of our box of some type) inside it, that means the box need to be big enough to accept elements
means that it have to be bigger or at least equal to our box and in Java the only way we have, to know if the box(we are writing into) is bigger is by checking that the type of the elements is a super type of us, and that where
the <? super Class>
comes from
4.4 Examples
public class Collections {
public static <T> void copy(List<? super T> dest, List<? extends T> src) {
for (int i = 0; i < src.size(); i++)
dest.set(i, src.get(i));
Here the Consumer is the dest list that is going to take elements from the Producer that is in this case src List and consume them ( means putting them inside her ) More examples in the directory called EXAMPLES
5. A way of thinking that you should avoid
There is one way of thinking that personally blocked me a lot while trying to understand the PECS is that when we use the <? extends Class>
or the <? super Class>
and I start thinking
about the rule I tend to see the Producer and Consumer as the end goal operation of the method means that when we use the Producer key work I think that we are producing something and that when we use the
keyword Consumer we are going to consume something, but the good way thinking is that when we talk about a Producer we mean that it is some kind of object that will give us some data
and that when we talk about Consumer it is some type of object that will consume some data that we are going to give it.
6. Outro Generics == Alchemy
The thing about generics is that everytime I think I finally understand how it's supposed to work something unexpected happens, exactly like alchemy so keep coding keep using Generics and you will get a descent understanding of it. I hope this paper helped you understand them and feel free to open an issue if you find something wrong or to ask a question.