
A python library to wrap the Open Subsonic REST API

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A python library for interacting with an Open Subsonic API implementation. This started its life as the py-sonic library. I have tested with Gonic (and continue to do so against each stable docker release). Please open issues if you discover problems with other implementations.


Installation is fairly simple. Just do the standard install as root:

tar -xvzf py-opensonic-*.tar.gz
cd py-opensonic-*
python setup.py install

You can also install directly using pip or easy_install

pip install py-opensonic


This library follows the REST API almost exactly (for now). If you follow the documentation on https://opensubsonic.netlify.app/docs/ or you do a:

pydoc libopensonic.connection

The py-sonic original author has added documentation at http://stuffivelearned.org/doku.php?id=programming:python:py-sonic


This is about as basic as it gets. We are just going to set up the connection and then get a couple of random songs.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import libopensonic

# We pass in the base url, the username, password, and port number
# Be sure to use https:// if this is an ssl connection!
conn = libopensonic.Connection('https://music.example.com' , 'myuser' , 
    'secretpass' , port=443)
# Let's get 2 completely random songs
songs = conn.getRandomSongs(size=2)
# We'll just pretty print the results we got to the terminal

As you can see, it's really pretty simple. If you use the documentation provided in the library:

pydoc libopensonic.connection

or the api docs on opensubsonic.netlify.app (listed above), you should be able to make use of your server without too much trouble.

Right now, only plain old dictionary structures are returned.

I may choose to do any of the following things on the original author's TODO list:

  • Lazy access of members (the song objects aren't created until you want to do something with them) However, I want to try and use the presented API first.


In the future, I would like to make this a little more "pythonic" and add some classes to wrap up the data returned from the server. Right now, the data is just returned in the form of a dict, but I would like to have actual Song, Album, Folder, etc. classes instead, or at least an alternative. For now, it works.

NOTE: I've noticed a wart with the upstream Subsonic API wherein any of the Connection methods that would normally return a list of dictionary elements (getPlaylists() for example), will only return a dictionary if there is a single return element. I plan on changing this in py-sonic so that any methods of that nature will always return a list, even if there is only a single dict in the list.