
Script for ESP module to make SONOFF switch

Primary LanguageC++

The provided code is for a DIY Sonoff project, like a remote controlled power switch. It uses the ESP8266 WiFi chip and MQTT protocol to connect to Adafruit.io and control a relay.

Here's a breakdown of the code:


  • ESP8266WiFi.h: Provides WiFi connectivity functions for ESP8266 chip.
  • Adafruit_MQTT.h and Adafruit_MQTT_Client.h: Libraries for using MQTT protocol with Adafruit.io.


  • WiFi SSID and password for connecting to your WiFi network.
  • Adafruit.io username, key, and server details for MQTT communication.
  • Pin connected to the relay controlling the power.


  • client: WiFiClient object for connecting to the MQTT server.
  • mqtt: Adafruit_MQTT_Client object for handling MQTT communication.
  • onoffbutton: Adafruit_MQTT_Subscribe object for subscribing to the "diysonoff" feed on Adafruit.io.


  • MQTT_connect(): Function to connect or reconnect to the MQTT server.
  • setup(): Sets up WiFi connection, serial communication, pin mode for the relay, and subscribes to the "diysonoff" feed.
  • loop(): Main loop that keeps the connection alive, checks for incoming messages on the subscribed feed, and controls the relay based on received message.


  1. The code connects to the specified WiFi network.
  2. It connects to the Adafruit.io MQTT server using the provided credentials.
  3. It subscribes to a feed named "diysonoff" on Adafruit.io.
  4. In the loop, it continuously checks for incoming messages on the subscribed feed.
  5. If a message is received, it converts the message to a number using atoi and sets the relay pin high (ON) if the number is 1, or low (OFF) if the number is 0.
  6. It keeps the connection alive by pinging the MQTT server periodically (commented out in this code).

Overall, this code allows you to control a relay (power switch) remotely by publishing messages to the "diysonoff" feed on Adafruit.io. You can use a separate program or smartphone app to publish messages (0 or 1) to that feed to turn the relay on or off.