
:bar_chart: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_downwards_trend: Architecture design and implementation for an analytics engine manager. Incorporates the extensibility and reusability software design principles to allow the addition of new analytics engines. The code is also testable and comes with a suite of unit tests.

Primary LanguageC#

🌀 📊 📈 📉 Analytics Engine Manager

Architecture design and implementation for an analytics engine manager. Incorporates the extensibility and reusability software design principles to allow the addition of new analytics engines. The code is also testable and comes with a suite of unit tests.

An analytics engine provides the means of logging and propagating an event to the cloud. The code has a working example using Azure Application Insights.

Design Diagram

Detailed Design Diagram

How To Run

Set ApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey in App.config to the resource instrumentation key.

Set ApplicationInsights in App.config to true if tracking events, false otherwise.


Install-Package Microsoft.ApplicationInsights -Version 2.8.1

With a Dependency Injection Framework

This would require you to register the following mappings to the DI container:

  • ICustomConfigurationManager to CustomConfigurationManager
  • IAnalyticsEnginesFactory to AnalyticsEnginesFactory
  • IAnalyticsEventProcessor to AnalyticsEventProcessor

Making them a singleton would mean that only a single object is created per project, this is fine, however, if Analytics Engine Manager, for example, is used by multiple endpoints, then all endpoints are dependent on a single resource. Usually this is not ideal.

string eventName = "";
string userID = "";
string remoteIPAddress = "";

IAnalyticsEvent analyticsEvent = new AnalyticsEvent(eventName, userID, remoteIpAddress);

Without a Dependency Injection Framework

string eventName = "";
string userID = "";
string remoteIPAddress = "";

IAnalyticsEvent analyticsEvent = new AnalyticsEvent(eventName, userID, remoteIpAddress);

ICustomConfigurationManager analyticsConfigurationManager = new CustomConfigurationManager();
IAnalyticsEnginesFactory analyticsEnginesFactory = new AnalyticsEnginesFactory();
IAnalyticsEventProcessor analyticsEventProcessor = new AnalyticsEventProcessor(analyticsConfigurationManager, analyticsEnginesFactory);


How To Add a New Analytics Engine

First, create a concrete class for the new Analytics Engine.

/// <summary>
/// Create a concrete class for the new Analytics Engine.
/// Implement the IAnalyticsEngine interface.
/// </summary>
public class MyAnalyticsEngine : IAnalyticsEngine
    public string GetAnalyticsEngineName { get; private set; }

    public void SendEvent(IAnalyticsEvent analyticsEvent)
        // Send analyticsEvent to the cloud.

Second, add the new concrete class to AnalyticsEnginesFactory.

public class AnalyticsEnginesFactory : IAnalyticsEnginesFactory
    public List<IAnalyticsEngine> CreateAnalyticsEngines(ICustomConfigurationManager analyticsConfigurationManager)
        List<IAnalyticsEngine> analyticsEngines = new List<IAnalyticsEngine>();
        analyticsEngines.Add(new ApplicationInsightsAnalyticsEngine(analyticsConfigurationManager));

        // Add an instance of the new concrete class to the list of Analytics Engines
        analyticsEngines.Add(new MyAnalyticsEngine(analyticsConfigurationManager));

        return analyticsEngines;
