Flood index based on Gumbel distribution of annual maxima of volumetric flow.
Table of contents
This Python routine calculates a flood severity index based on the annual maxima of volumetric flow for the period 1981-2017. The thresholds were estimated from a Gumbel distribution using the methods of L-moments. The severity is based on a 2-yr return period (medium), 5-yr return period (high), and 20-yr return period (severe).
This routine requires data from GloFAS.
- v0.0.1: Support for severity index for South Sudan and Ethiopia.
Command line implementations:
python FloodSeverityIndex.py data thresholds bounding_box year fig
docker run -ti mintproject/floodseverityindex:latest bash
python FloodSeverityIndex.py data thresholds bounding_box year fig
- data: Either:
- Path to the folder containing the GloFAS data. Data should be organized in folders per year.
- Path to single netcdf file with concatenated data for South Sudan and Ethiopia
- thresholds: path to the file containing the flood threshold from the Gumbel distribution.
- bounding_box: List of [min_lon,max_lon,min_lat,max_lat]. Note that only South Sudan and Ethiopia are currently supported. Therefore the maximum extent of the box is: [23,48,3,15]
- year: The year of interest. Should be provided as a list to support for multiple years.
- fig: whether to return a movie
- The outputs are in netcdf format. The index is a boolean corresponding to the severity of the flood:
0: None
1: Medium (2-yr return period)
2: high (5-yr return period)
3: severe (20-yr return period)
python FloodSeverityIndex.py ./ GloFAS_FloodThreshold.nc [23,48,3,15] [2016,2017] True
Tested under Python 3.7
Package requirements:
- xarray = 0.12.1 (Do not update to the latest version)
- numpy
- cartopy
- panda
- matplotlib
- imageio
Note: To use mp4, after installing imegeio, pip install imageio-ffmpeg
- FloodSeverityIndex.py: Executable
- GloFAS_FloodThreshold.nc: Files containing the thresholds
Please report issues to khider@usc.edu
The project is licensed under the Apache v2.0 License. Please refer to the file call license.