This document separates a set of interesting queries that are useful to explore the model catalog.
These queries are exposed as a REST API through the GRLC (garlic) application.
SPARQL Endpoint for the model catalog available at:
GRLC REST API documentation available at:
GRLC REST APU spec available at:
- (done) getModels: returns a description, label, category and versions of each model.
- (done) getResourceMetadata [iri:URI]: given a resource (model, version, configuration, etc.), returns all the metadata about it.
- getConfigurations: returns version, configuration, description, other metadata such as invocation code.
- getVariablePresentationsForModel[iri:Model]: returns a list of the available configurations, input variables and output variables given a certain model
- getConfigurationsI_O: returns a list of configurations, their inputs files and output files.
- getInputForStandardVariable[string:Variable]: returns the input (or output) for the standard variable provided
- getModelsForCategory (string:Category]: returns the models associated to a particular category
- getVariablesAndUnits[iri:Input/Output]: returns the variablePresentations associated to the provided input/output, and their units.
- getModelOutputsForVariable [string:standard name]: Query that given a standard variable, returns the models which produce output variables with a particular standard name (or canonical name)