
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Google Spreadsheet import tool for Rails app.


gem 'sp2db'

Basic usage


bundle exec rails sp2db:config

In model

class ExampleModel < ApplicationRecord

  include Sp2db::ImportConcern


Import task

For single table or multiple tables

# Import spreadsheet to database directy
bundle exec rake sp2db:sp_to_db[table1,table2]

# Export spreadsheet to csv then import to database. Suite for data version control
bundle exec rake sp2db:sp_to_csv[table1,table2]
bundle exec rake sp2db:csv_to_db[table1,table2]

For all tables

bundle exec rake sp2db:sp_to_db
# Or
bundle exec rake sp2db:sp_to_csv
bundle exec rake sp2db:csv_to_db

Advanced usage

Model config

Use sp2db_options or sp2db_option_name to add more config to model table


class ExampleModel < ApplicationRecord
  include Sp2db::ImportConcern

  sp2db_options spreadsheet_id: "ANOTHER SHEET ID",
                import_strategy: :overwrite

Other options:

  • find_columns: Columns to find existed record, default: [:id]
  • required_columns: Columns which values must be present to be a valid row, Example: [:name, title]
  • priority: table priority for import, default: 0
  • import_strategy: Import strategy
  • sheet_name: work sheet name
  • spreadsheet_id: Spreadsheet id, use to overwrite default spreadsheet id
  • data_transform: method name or lambda to tranform spreadsheet raw data to standart input Example:
    sp2db_options data_transform: :tranform_raw_data_to_standard_method
    # Or use lambda
    sp2db_options data_transform: ->(raw-data, opts) {
      # Logic for data tranformation
    # Or other form
    sp2db_options_data_transform do |raw_data, opts|
      # Logic for data tranformation
  • process_data: Use to remove invalid data or change column value before import, value: Symbol or lambda
  • before_import_row: Run before each row import, value: Symbol or lambda
  • after_import_row: Run after each row import, value: Symbol or lambda
  • after_import_table: Run after table import, value: Symbol or lambda

Import process and usage of hooks

  • Spreadsheet raw data: [[cellA1, cellA2,...],[cellB1, cellB2],...]

  • Data tranform: This step is used to tranform raw data to standard input with the first row is header and following data rows. (Use case: tranform vertical spreadsheet to horizontal spreadsheet)

  • Raw data filter(private): remove columns starting with # and blank rows, check required rows(starting with "!") to remove

  • Data process: Remove invalid rows, cols, change row values before importing, Output from this step will be input for file exporting

  • Before row import: Run before each row importing, use case: change row data, add file for upload, ..

  • After row import: Run after each row importing, use case: notification or file upload

  • After table import: Run after each table importing, use case: notification or error handling

Import strategy

Import strategy to process import, there are 4 strategies supprted by default

  • truncate_all: Truncate table before importing, default
  • overwrite: Overwrite when existed record found
  • skip: Skip and not update when existed record found
  • fill_empty: Only fill blank columns of found record

To add custom strategy

Sp2db::ImportStrategy.add :custom_stragy do
  # Then overwrite method from Sp2db::ImportStrategy::Base to define behavior
  # Example for truncate all
  def before_import
    model.all.delete_all # Delete all record before importing

Error handling while import

Data will be rollbacked when ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError be thrown, to change this behavior change exception_handler config, there 3 options for this

  • raise: raise exception when occurs, defaut

  • skip: skip exception

  • A lambda for customize behavior Example

    Sp2db.config do |conf|
      config.exception_handler.row_import_error = -> (exception){
        # Handle exeption, return true to continue or false to skip

For non model table

Sometimes we need to export spreadsheet to file without active record model or the model is not exist

Sp2db.config do |conf|
  conf.non_model_tables = {
    "table_names" => {
      sheet_id: "ANOTHER SHEET ID"


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/khiemns54/sp2db. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Sp2db project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.