
tools for working with iOverlander tracks

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


tools for working with iOverlander tracks


there are no hard dependencies except for python3 and make

  1. request the GPX export from [https://ioverlander.com/countries/places_by_country]
  2. check your email and download the linked ZIP file to ./import/<COUNTRY>/
  3. extract the GPX file from the ZIP archive (unzip <ZIP>) into the same directory
  4. run make iOverlander.<COUNTRY>.gpx to add the OSMAnd extensions
  5. import the resulting file into OSMAnd on your phone


if the make driven workflow is too limiting, you can also run ./pyoverlander.py <GPX> to print the converted GPX to stdout.

if you have adb installed/configured and OSMand is configured to store its tracks in /storage/emulated/0/Android/media/net.osmand.plus/tracks/, you can run make push to push the files to your device while plugged in via USB.


the overall structure is as follows:

  <wpt ...>


can be extracted from reference GPX

save the reference GPX from osmand to ./import/reference.gpx

and then run make print-osmand-icon-map

for manual extraction, consider:

$ grep 'osmand:' ./import/reference.gpx