
A tool to quickly modify the values of nested Arrays/Dictionaries in [Glamorous Toolkit](https://gtoolkit.com/).

Primary LanguageSmalltalkMIT LicenseMIT


A tool to quickly modify the values of nested Arrays/Dictionaries in Glamorous Toolkit.

  • Currently only supporting updating of values.
  • This is geared towards manually modifying JSON data so it's only meant to be used on Arrays/Dictionaries that have Booleans, Numbers, nil or Strings as the nested values.


Metacello new
    baseline: 'QuickEdit';
    repository: 'github://botwhytho/quick-edit:main/src';
    load ].


To use, simple send quickedit to an Array or Dictionary and inspect the output. You will be able to edit the nested values on the second column of the Edit view that comes up. Double click a value to gain editable focus. Once Enter is pressed your changes will propagate to the underlying objects; if you want to abort a change, press Esc. Running something like the snippet below should give you an idea of the tool's functionality.

(NeoJSONReader fromString: (ZnClient new get: 'https://httpbin.org/json')) quickedit