
Download a single commit of a Git repository, using the Software Heritage as a fallback

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

swh-checkout is a simple tool to download a precise version of some software package, identified by one of

  • the URL of a git repository plus a full commit ID (40 characters)
  • a SWHID of type "dir" or "rev"

swh-checkout tries accessing the git repository first. In case of failure, or if a SWHID without contextual attributes is provided, it obtains the software from the Software Heritage archive.

The intended use case is downloading precise software versions from a script or a workflow in the context of reproducible research.


  1. Install the Guix package manager

  2. Download swh-checkout, make it executable (chmod a+x swh-checkout), and move it to a directory on the $PATH variable of your shell.

The Guix package manager is required because swh-checkout uses part of its code. In fact, it is little more than a user interface to Guix functionality that is not exposed otherwise.


If you have the URL of a git repository plus a commit hash:

swh-checkout --url=<url> --commit=<sha1>

If you have a SWHID:

swh-checkout --swhid="swh:1:..."

Note that the SWHID must be written in double quotes if it contains contextual attributes, to prevent it from being broken up by the shell. Otherwise the double quotes are optional.

The requested commit is checked out into a directory whose default name is the last part of the URL (if provided). A different directory can be specified using the option --directory. If you provide a SWHID that does not contain the origin URL, swh-checkout cannot infer a target directory name, making --directory compulsory.

As a safety measure, swh-checkout fails if the target directory already exists.