
A starter for Laravel 8, Bootstrap 4, Vue 2, Vue Test Utils, Jest and MySQL 8

Primary LanguagePHP


Laravel 8, Vue.js 2, Bootstrap 4, MySQL 8 Starter

This is a starter template setup for those looking to get started on a new project. To use this template click, "Use this template" near the top of this page.


  • Laravel Auth
  • EsLint
  • Vue-test-utils and Jest
  • Vue and Vuelidate
  • Sample Vue <contact></contact> Component with Tests and Code Coverage
  • Laravel-mix for webpack of assets
  • Phpcs and PSR2 Standard
  • Phpunit with Code Coverage
  • Git hook for pre-commit
  • Github Actions for Testing Code on Push to Master Branch and Pull-Requests


  • git clone the repository you created after clicking on, "Use this template" above.
  • composer install -o
  • npm install in development or npm ci in production
  • npm run dev
  • setup your .env file with database credentials
  • php artisan key:generate
  • php artisan migrate
  • php artisan db:seed
  • php artisan serve (visit the app at


  • Update ![CI](https://github.com/khjohnson1972/laravel-vue-bootstrap-starter/workflows/CI/badge.svg) at top of README to reflect your local repository for the CI status badge.
  • npm install for development or npm ci for production.
  • composer update or composer install -o for development. composer install -o --no-dev for production.


PHP/Composer Scripts

  • composer cs (php code sniffer using PSR2)
  • composer cs-fix (php code beautifier using PSR2)
  • composer test (to run the PhpUnit tests)
  • composer lint (run php linter on all php files)
  • composer clear-all (clear caches for config, cache, route and views)
  • composer deploy (composer install, Laravel artisan migrate and Laravel cache config, routes and views)


  • npm run dev (Laravel mix to build assets)
  • npm run watch (Laravel mix to watch build assets. Use npm run watch-poll instead.)
  • npm run watch-poll (Laravel mix to watch-poll build assets)
  • npm run production (Laravel to run production build)
  • npm run test:unit (Run the unit tests and view the coverage in ./build/jest/coverage/)
  • npm run test:unit-update-snapshots (Run the unit tests and update the snapshots)
  • npm run test:ci (Run the unit tests in continuous integration mode)
  • npm run test:unit-watch (Run the unit tests and watch for changes)

Run a single jest test

  • npx cross-env NODE_ENV=test vue-cli-service test:unit --verbose=true resources/js/main/components/Form/Contact.unit.js

Github Hook

There is a pre-commit hook in ./.github/hooks/. This is moved to the ./git/hooks/ directory when composer install or composer dump-autoload is run.


  • composer test to run the PhpUnit tests. Code coverage is output to build/coverage.
  • npm run test:unit to run the Vue\Jest tests. Code coverage is output to build/jest/coverage.