
Primary LanguagePython

Structure from Motion

Environment variables found in principles.yml (conda env)

1. Using Superglue to support better feature matching


2. Esential and Fubndamental Matrix

Below Code is found in main.py

[F,mask]=cv2.findFundamentalMat(kp1,kp2, method=3,ransacReprojThreshold=3.0,confidence=0.99)
[E1,mask]=cv2.findEssentialMat(kp1,kp2,cameraMatrix=K, method=cv2.RANSAC, prob=0.999, threshold=3.0 )
[E2,mask]=cv2.findEssentialMat(kp2,kp1,cameraMatrix=K, method=cv2.RANSAC, prob=0.999, threshold=3.0 )

3. Pose Recovery

[_, R1, t1, mask] = cv2.recoverPose(E1, kp1,kp2, cameraMatrix=K,mask=mask)    
[_, R2, t2, mask] = cv2.recoverPose(E2, kp2,kp1, cameraMatrix=K,mask=mask)  

R Recovered relative rotation, 3x3 matrix. t Recovered relative translation, 3x1 vector.

mask Output mask for inliers in points1 and points2. In the output mask only inliers which pass the cheirality check.

4. Triangulation


mat_3D = mat_4D[:,:3]/mat_4D[:,3:4]

changing to 3D according to since we require projection in 3D space. they're just 3D points in a 4D projective space, analogous to 2D points in a 3D projective space. all points (x,y,z,1) * w, for arbitrary nonzero w, in the projective space represent the same 3D point (x,y,z), and (x,y,z,1) is the canonical representative. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69429075/what-could-be-the-reason-for-triangulation-3d-points-to-result-in-a-warped-para

5. PnP

used solvePnPRefineLM() for better control of outliers

r, t=solvePnPRefineLM()(points_3D,points_2D,K,dist_coeffs,r1,t1,criteria=criteria)

6. Optimization

Least squares with soft l1 loss: rho(z) = 2 * ((1 + z)**0.5 - 1)

res1=least_squares(RMSE, r.flatten(),jac='2-point', method='dogbox',loss='soft_l1',max_nfev=2000) #implemented least square optimization

6. Bundle Adjustment

Breadth search based on the number of matched features. Sorted by the most number of features and expanded.

7. Visualization

Open3d point cloud print("Load a ply point cloud, print it, and render it") pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()

8. Results

Datasets processed in the file Dataload.py


Temple Ring Temple Ring Temple Ring Temple Ring


Intrinsic matrix constructed from pose information:

 K=np.array([[fx,0,cx], [0 ,fy, cy],[0, 0, 1]]).astype(np.float64)  ##intrinsic matrix

RMSE calculation

RMSE_r+=sum(np.power(r.flatten()-r0.flatten(),2)) #calculate RMSE r and update
TOTAL_RMSE_r =  np.sqrt( (1/len(images)**2)* RMSE_r)

: RMSE for TRex rotation matrix: 0.0015021174744879215 RMSE for TRex translation vector 14627410.962035134 Average loss 1.752949594479218e-12

Loaded 54 poses from: kitti_trex_gt.txt
Loaded 54 poses from: kitti_trex_00.txt
Aligning using Umeyama's method...
Rotation of alignment:
[[ 0.44750528  0.89419974 -0.01207684]
 [ 0.72676047 -0.37151271 -0.57775213]
 [-0.5211125   0.24977015 -0.81612293]]
Translation of alignment:
[ 45.31216322 -10.67234959   6.78472044]
Scale correction: 1.0
Compared 54 absolute pose pairs.
Calculating APE for translation part pose relation...
APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with SE(3) Umeyama alignment)

       max      537.908827
      mean      172.434304
    median      53.996346
       min      32.582834
      rmse      243.921671
       sse      3212880.198135
       std      172.523020

TRex TRex TRex TRex TRex

RMSE for Fern rotation matrix:14187.827955083636 RMSE for Fern translation vector: 6697.837169699395

Loaded 19 poses from: kitti_trex_gt.txt
Loaded 19 poses from: kitti_trex_00.txt
Aligning using Umeyama's method...
Rotation of alignment:
[[-0.70920034 -0.70429341  0.03171228]
 [-0.67597208  0.66652846 -0.31432716]
 [ 0.20024141 -0.24435755 -0.94878489]]
Translation of alignment:
[17.08704688 24.74655038 -7.53542607]
Scale correction: 1.0
Compared 19 absolute pose pairs.
Calculating APE for translation part pose relation...
APE w.r.t. translation part (m)
(with SE(3) Umeyama alignment)

       max      472.822399
      mean      177.974571
    median      33.815540
       min      20.278510
      rmse      258.609392
       sse      1270697.532936
       std      187.626943

Fern Fern Fern Fern