Docker via Terraform on GCP

This project will leverage GCP to quickly land a google compute instance with docker installed. Firewall rules are strict and disallow inbound ports including SSH. To deploy scripts without SSH I used templates and GCP's metadata startup script. This instance should be always free and a new account comes with $300 usable during the first 12 months.


Install Terraform and Git. I suggest using chocolatey for Windows or homebrew for Mac.

Getting Started

  1. Create Google Cloud Platform account
  2. Take note of your generated project name and ID (or create your own project name)
  3. Create a service account and download your subsequent JSON key


  1. Clone Repo and run terraform init
    git clone
    cd ./terraform-docker-gcp
    terraform init
  2. Copy downloaded json credential file to this project location and rename it to gcp-key.json
  3. Modify gcp_project value in to match the your project ID in google cloud
  4. Execute Terraform plan and apply
    terraform plan
    terraform apply -auto-approve
  5. Log into GCP console and confirm your docker container(s) is running
    sudo docker container ls #on google cloud vm instance

By default I included a postgres db but you can put specify containers in docker-compose-build.tpl which becomes docker-compose.yml on the host.


To enable 80 and 443 uncomment the 'tags' line in
