All files by default are symlinked into position rather than copied to allow for easy updating through git pull
with the exception of the .gitignore
file which is a concatenation of several files based on your OS profile. There is limited support/expectations for Linux and Windows system profiles, but suggestions are welcome. If an existing file is found, a back up is created with the same name plus .bak
extension. Existing symlinks are simply relinked to the installer's version.
$ rake
apache - Install basic apache config (requires root/sudo -E)
bash - Install the bash profile
git - Install the git profile
install - Install all the things
neobundle - Install neobundle for vim
powerline_fonts - Install fonts for the vim plugin "powerline"
vim - Install the vim profile
Provides symlinks for the following files:
ServerName and ServerAdmin are then set in:
While the bash profile caters more to my current environment, I am open to adding additional pathing and tools into the PATH
and suggestions on a more optimal ordering.
Provides symlinks for the following files:
The .bash_profile
looks for the following files for custom settings:
And checks for the following paths:
- Early execution paths
- Late execution paths
Lastly, it checks for rvm
in $HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm
or /usr/local/rvm/scripts/rvm
Provides symlinks for the following files:
The .gitconfig
looks for the following files for custom settings:
The .gitignore
file is a concatenation of various ignore files provided in the git/ignore
submodule. For those in the Linux and Windows environments, if there are additional ignore files provided in git/ignore
, let me know and I will add them into the list for your platform. Files added to the git ignore file should not be project/language specific, but more of editors and operating system specific.
- Linux
- Linux
- Vim
- Mac OS X
- OS X
- Sublime Text
- Textmate
- Vim
- XCode
- Windows
- Notepad++
- Sublime Text
- Vim
- Visual Studio
- Windows
Vim package manager provided by Shougo.
Creates the following directory path(s):
Provides symlinks for the following folders and bundles:
(See Shougo/neobundle.vim).vim/bundle/sparkup
(See rstacruz/sparkup).vim/bundle/syntastic
(See scrooloose/syntastic).vim/bundle/vim-airline
(See bling/vim-airline).vim/bundle/vim-fugitive
(See tpope/vim-fugitive).vim/bundle/vim-gitgutter
(See airblade/vim-gitgutter).vim/bundle/vimproc
(See Shougo/vimproc)
These fonts provide the glyphs necessary to make the powerline/airline bundle for vim appear correctly.
Provides symlinks for the following (otf, ttf) files:
- AnonymousPro
- DejaVuSansMono
- DroidSansMono
- Inconsolata
- InconsolataDz
- LiberationMono
- Meslo
- SourceCodePro
- Terminus
- UbuntuMono
Provides symlinks for the following: