
A simple Eleventy based portfolio static site generated on Netlify and deployed. Also leverages NetlifyCMS for content management.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Eleventy Netlify Boilerplate

What is it?

An extremely simple and lightweight template for building a website with blog using the Eleventy static site generator, with deployment to Netlify.

Use it as a basis for your own projects or as a way to get started building static sites with Eleventy.

Based on the Eleventy Base Blog repo (see there for additional info on usage).


  • Sample pages and blog with tag support
  • Pre-builds and minifies your HTML
  • CSS 2kb minified, inline for fastest page render
  • Responsive CSS Grid layout, with fallbacks (see Browser Support)
  • Uses Markdown files for content (works with Netlify CMS)
  • Uses Liquid and/or Nunjucks templates for layout
  • Contains no boilerplate JS or other bloat (100% framework free)
  • Optional Javascipt pipeline for minified inline scripts
  • Continuous Integration (CI) workflow

Want to try it out now?

Deploy to Netlify

Clicking the button above will setup everything needed for running the CMS:

  • A new repository in your GitHub account with the code
  • Full Continuous Deployment to Netlify's global CDN network
  • Control users and access with Netlify Identity
  • Manage content with Netlify CMS
  • Process form data with Netlify Forms

The email address associated with your Netlify account will receive an email inviting you as an Identity user - click Accept in the email to set your new password, then navigate to /admin on your site to log in.

Now you're all set, and you can start editing content!

Note: if you switch the repo that was created to private, you'll need to regenerate your token, as the token generated using the deploy to Netlify button can only access public repositories. To regenerate your token, head to "Settings" in your Netlify site dashboard, go to the "Identity" section, then scroll to "Services" where you'll see an "Edit settings" button. Click that and you'll see a text link to "Generate access token in GitHub".

If you need any help with setting up Netlify CMS, you can reach out to the Netlify team in the Netlify CMS Gitter.

Getting Started Locally

1. Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/danurbanowicz/eleventy-netlify-boilerplate.git my-blog-name

2. Navigate to the directory

cd my-blog-name

Specifically have a look at .eleventy.js to see if you want to configure any Eleventy options differently.

3. Install dependencies

npm install

4. Edit _data/metadata.json

This file contains your site title and author details.

5. Run Eleventy (builds the site)

npx eleventy

Or build automatically when a template changes:

npx eleventy --watch

Or in debug mode:

DEBUG=* npx eleventy

Bug reports, feature requests, etc

This is an ongoing project and I welcome any feedback, suggestions or contributions.

Please use the issue tracker to let me know about any bugs or feature requests, or alternatively make a pull request.

If you need any help with setting up Netlify CMS, you can reach out to the Netlify team in the Netlify CMS Gitter.

This template uses relatively new features such as CSS Grid layout and CSS Custom Properties therefore browser support is still patchy. You should consider providing fallbacks for older or less capable browsers when using this template in a production environment.