
Welcome Fellow Science Nerds!

Here's how to get started...
1. Browse our collection of science subjects, fields and scientists as long as you like, or exit at any time by closing the window from the top right navigation bar.

Here's how to interact with our site...
2. Use the navigation buttons at the top of the page to view Subjects, Fields, or Scientists.
3. When on the SUBJECTS page, click on the image to display all associated FIELDS. At the bottom of the rendered page, you have the option to add a new FIELD that will be assigned to the selected SUBJECT collections.
4. When on the FIELDS page, clik on the image to display all associated SCIENTISTS. At the bottom of the rendered page, you have the option to add a new SCIENTIST that will be assigned to the selected FIELD collections.
5. When on the SCIENTISTS page, click on the image to display details about the scientist.
6. Use the EDIT and DELETE buttons to update and remove any newly added entry.
7. Use the Home button at the top of the page to return to the landing page at any time while browsing.

Hope you enjoy!