
useful mikrotik functions

Primary LanguageRouterOS Script


useful mikrotik functions


#Replace Function [$Replace "string" "string1" "string2" number];

#Replace Function [$Replace "string" "string1" "string2" number]; output is string

#Or [$Replace "string" ("str1","str2","str3") "re_str" number]; output is string

#Or [$Replace "string" ("str1","str2","str3") ("re_str1","re_str2","re_str3") number]; output is string

#Or [$Replace (array) ("str1","str2","str3") ("re_str1","re_str2","re_str3") number]; output is array

#Test The Function

#:put [$Replace "osama test ali" "a" "A" ];

#:put [$Replace "osama test ali" "ama" "AMA" ];

#:put [$Replace "osama test ali" ("ama","te") ("AMA","TE") ];

#:put [$Replace ("osama","test","ali") "test" "TEST" ];

#:put [$Replace ("osama","test","test2","ali") ("test","ali") ("TEST3","ALI") ];


#array to string Function

#------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {

#array value

:local arr ("test",43242,,{"test1"=321},{"test2"=("v1","v2")},{"test3"=({"v1"=100},{"v2"=99})});

#convert array to string

:local str [$Array2Str $arr];

#show string

:put $str;

#return string to array

:local a [parse $str];

#show array

:put [$a];

#get value test3 -> v1

:put ([$a]->"test3"->"v1");



#split , map and join functions




:local str "osama";

#Split String

:local arr [$Split $str ];

:put $arr;

#function in map

:local function do={:return "($n=$v)";}

:local arr2 [$map $arr $function ];

#Split array after map

:put $arr2;

#Join the array by "," and convert to string

:local str2 [$Join $arr2 ","];

#show the output string

:put $str2;




#Convert Date and time ex="jan/23/2020" 22:44:21 To Seconds then return to date and time


:local date [/system clock get date ];

:local time [/system clock get time ];

:local seconds [$Date2Sec $date $time];

#show seconds

:put $seconds;

#return secounds to date and time

:local das [$Sec2Date $seconds];

:local date2 [:pick $das 0];

:local time2 [:pick $das 1];

#show date

:put $date2;

#show time

:put $time2;
