
Generate LaTeX Postcards

Primary LanguageTeX

Generate your own Postal Score Postcards using TeX

This is the current code used used to create QuGyrs R. Katzu Press's Postal Scores.

There are 20 postcards in a Postal Score set, along with one instruction card. The cards are 5.5"x4" by default. Dimensions can be changed in the globalVariables file.

Work & README in progress.

Compile Your own Set of Postal Scores

To compile a set of postal scores on your own, compile the files using LaTeX. Compile using the order shown below.

I used XeLaTeX to generate files because of my font choice.

Generate Postcard Fronts -> Generate Postcard Backs -> Printing

Global Values

Global variables are found in 'globalVariables.tex' in the root folder. Make changes there. Place a logo .png file in the root folder to add a logo.

Generate Postcard Fronts

Please generate postcard front files in the order given below, in Files to Compile and Run.


The constant files contain the constants necessary to generate each card. To create a custom set of cards, modify the constants.


This section will change once I finish my card 19 redesign. Card layouts are in the layout folder. To modify the placement of elements of a card, modify the card layouts. If you do not want to change the layout, and only want to change the content, you do not need to modify the layout files.

Layouts are identified by the number of senders and receivers. For example, the file named '0s_1r_layout.tex' is the layout for a card with 0 senders and 1 recipient.

Files to Compile and Run

  1. Run 'generate_postcard_front.tex'. This generates all postcard fronts at 100% scale
  2. Run 'front_in_order_small.tex'. This reduces all postcards to 95% so that there is a defined border. It lays the cards out in sequential order, ready to be rearranged for printing.

Generate Postcard Backs


Card layout files are in the layout folder. The standard postcard back file is 'standard_back_layout.tex'. The double recipient postcard layout is 'double_recipient_back_layout.tex'.

Files to Compile and Run

  1. Run 'generated_backs.tex'. This produces one copy of all backs.
  2. Run 'generated_backs_plus_url.tex'. This resizes each back and adds a url.


Assembling for print can only be done after cards are generated. Follow steps 1 - 4 first.

If you wish to print from a personal printer at home using 8.5"x11" paper follow the personal printer instructions. This is a 2x2 grid (4-up) layout of cards. This can be changed in the code. This is for devices that only print single sides at a time.

If you are sending your print to a print shop or if you own a professional grade printer follow the print shop instructions. The cards are laid out in a 8-up format (2x4) for 12"x18". Card fronts are on odd pages. The corresponding card backs are on even pages. The layout can be modified in the code.

Personal Printer [OLD VERSION OF CARDS]

It's time to print a run of Postal Scores. To lay out 21 sets of Postal Scores, 20 for others, and one for you, follow steps 5 - 7 below.

  1. Compile 'allCards.tex'. This file has the filepath 'finalCopies/printerFormat/desktopPrinter/allCards.tex'. This will arrange all of the card fronts for printing on 8.5"x11" paper. If you wish to change the print arrangement, use both this file and allBacks to do so.
  2. Compile 'allBacks.tex'. This file has the filepath 'finalCopies/printerFormat/desktopPrinter/allBacks.tex'. This will arrange all of the card backs for printing on 8.5"x11" paper.
  3. Print. The layouts have been arranged so that the card fronts and card backs line up properly.


Details coming soon. The cards are being revamped.

Works Referenced


Related, useful seeming tools for future exploration

  • Pandoc Universal document converter
  • PyLaTeX Python library for LaTeX

Postcard Design