
multiple definition of base64 error with ver. 1.8.3

Nourbakhsh-Rad opened this issue · 3 comments

After upgrading to version 1.8.3, the following error is observed during compilation

multiple definition of base64_init_encodestate
multiple definition of base64_encode_value
multiple definition of base64_encode_block
multiple definition of base64_encode_blockend
multiple definition of base64_encode_chars

I am using ESP-12E with ENC28J60 Ethernet module and Arduino IDE version 1.8.16 with ESP8266 core 3.0.2

Hi @Nourbakhsh-Rad

Thanks for the bug report. I just forgot that ESP8266 already has the lib64 in the core and then the

#if !(ESP32 || ESP8266)



in the files cdecode.c and cencode.c.

You can add those lines in the above-mentioned files if can't wait.

Will update the master and publish a new release soon.


Hi @Nourbakhsh-Rad

The new EthernetWebServer releases v1.8.4 has just been published. Your contribution is noted in Contributions and Thanks

Best Regards,

Releases v1.8.4

  1. Fix libb64 compile error for ESP8266. Check multiple definition of base64 error with ver. 1.8.3 #44
  2. Update Packages' Patches

Thank you for your prompt action ..... @khoih-prog