- Why do we need this WIOTerminal_WiFiManager library
- Changelog
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Packages' Patches
Multiple Definitions
Linker Error - How It Works
- HOWTO Basic configurations
- HOWTO Open Config Portal
- Examples
- So, how it works?
- Documentation
- Example SAMD-WIOT_ConfigOnDoubleReset
- Debug Terminal Output Samples
- Debug
- Troubleshooting
- Issues
- Contributions and Thanks
- Contributing
- License and credits
- Copyright
Why do we need this WIOTerminal_WiFiManager library
This library is based on, modified, bug-fixed and improved from:
to provide support to SeeedStudio SAMD51 WIO-Terminal
This is a WiFi Connection manager with fallback web ConfigPortal.
It's using a web ConfigPortal, served from the WIO-Terminal
, and operating as an access point.
Arduino IDE 1.8.19+
for Arduino.Seeeduino SAMD core 1.8.3+
for SAMD51 Wio Terminal..
Seeed_Arduino_rpcWiFi library v1.0.6+
for WIO-Terminal or boards using Realtek RTL8720DN WiFi.. To be used with
Seeed_Arduino_rpcUnified library v2.1.4+
FlashStorage_SAMD library v1.3.2+
for SAMD21 and SAMD51 boards (ZERO, MKR, NANO_33_IOT, M0, M0 Pro, AdaFruit Itsy-Bitsy M4, etc.).DoubleResetDetector_Generic v1.8.1+
if using DRD feature. To install, check.
The best and easiest way is to use Arduino Library Manager
. Search for WIOTerminal_WiFiManager
, then select / install the latest version. You can also use this link for more detailed instructions.
- Navigate to WIOTerminal_WiFiManager page.
- Download the latest release
. - Extract the zip file to
directory - Copy the whole
folder to Arduino libraries' directory such as~/Arduino/libraries/
- Install VS Code
- Install PlatformIO
- Install WIOTerminal_WiFiManager library by using Library Manager. Search for WIOTerminal_WiFiManager in Platform.io Author's Libraries
- Use included platformio.ini file from examples to ensure that all dependent libraries will installed automatically. Please visit documentation for the other options and examples at Project Configuration File
- To be able to compile, run and automatically detect and display BOARD_NAME on Seeeduino SAMD (XIAO M0, Wio Terminal, etc) boards, you have to copy the whole Seeeduino SAMD Packages_Patches directory into Seeeduino samd directory (~/.arduino15/packages/Seeeduino/hardware/samd/1.8.3).
Supposing the Seeeduino SAMD core version is 1.8.3. This file must be copied into the directory:
Whenever a new version is installed, remember to copy this file into the new version directory. For example, new version is x.yy.zz This file must be copied into the directory:
The current library implementation, using xyz-Impl.h instead of standard xyz.cpp, possibly creates certain Multiple Definitions
Linker error in certain use cases. Although it's simple to just modify several lines of code, either in the library or in the application, the library is adding 2 more source directories
- scr_h for new h-only files
- src_cpp for standard h/cpp files
besides the standard src directory.
To use the old standard cpp way, locate this library' directory, then just
- Delete the all the files in src directory.
- Copy all the files in src_cpp directory into src.
- Close then reopen the application code in Arduino IDE, etc. to recompile from scratch.
To re-use the new h-only way, just
- Delete the all the files in src directory.
- Copy the files in src_h directory into src.
- Close then reopen the application code in Arduino IDE, etc. to recompile from scratch.
- The WIOT_ConfigOnSwitch example shows how it works and should be used as the basis for a sketch that uses this library.
- The concept of ConfigOnSwitch is that a new
will start a WiFi ConfigPortal when powered up and save the configuration data in non volatile memory. Thereafter, the ConfigPortal will only be started again if a button is pushed on theWIO-Terminal
module. - Using any WiFi enabled device with a browser (computer, phone, tablet) connect to the newly created Access Point (AP) using configurable SSID and Password (specified in sketch)
// SSID and PW for Config Portal
String ssid = "WIOTerminal";
const char* password = "WIOTerminal_Pass";
then connect WebBrowser to configurable ConfigPortal IP address, default is
- Choose one of the access points scanned, enter password, click Save.
- WIO-Terminal will restart, then try to connect to the WiFi netwotk using STA-only mode, without running the ConfigPortal WebServer and WiFi AP. See Accessing manager after connection.
- Include in your sketch
#if !defined(WIO_TERMINAL)
#error This code is intended to run on the WIO Terminal SAMD51 platform! Please check your Tools->Board setting.
// Use from 0 to 4. Higher number, more debugging messages and memory usage.
#include <rpcWiFi.h>
#include <WiFiMulti.h>
WiFiMulti wifiMulti;
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <WebServer.h>
// Include EEPROM-like API for FlashStorage
#include <FlashAsEEPROM_SAMD.h> //https://github.com/khoih-prog/FlashStorage_SAMD
#define EEPROM_START 0
Trigger for inititating config mode is Pin WIO_KEY_C on WIO Terminal
const int TRIGGER_PIN = WIO_KEY_C;
Alternative trigger pin. Needs to be connected to a button to use this pin. It must be a momentary connection
not connected permanently to ground. Either trigger pin will work.
const int TRIGGER_PIN2 = WIO_KEY_B;
// SSID and PW for Config Portal
String ssid = "WIOTerminal";
const char* password = "WIOTerminal_Pass";
// SSID and PW for your Router
String Router_SSID;
String Router_Pass;
#define LED_ON HIGH
#define LED_OFF LOW
#define SSID_MAX_LEN 32
//From v1.0.10, WPA2 passwords can be up to 63 characters long.
#define PASS_MAX_LEN 64
typedef struct
char wifi_ssid[SSID_MAX_LEN];
char wifi_pw [PASS_MAX_LEN];
} WiFi_Credentials;
typedef struct
String wifi_ssid;
String wifi_pw;
} WiFi_Credentials_String;
typedef struct
WiFi_Credentials WiFi_Creds [NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS];
} WM_Config;
WM_Config WM_config;
// Indicates whether ESP has WiFi credentials saved from previous session, or double reset detected
bool initialConfig = false;
// Use false if you don't like to display Available Pages in Information Page of Config Portal
// Comment out or use true to display Available Pages in Information Page of Config Portal
// Must be placed before #include <WIO_WiFiManager.h>
// New in v1.0.11
#define USING_CORS_FEATURE false
// Use DHCP
#warning Using DHCP IP
IPAddress stationIP = IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0);
IPAddress gatewayIP = IPAddress(192, 168, 2, 1);
IPAddress netMask = IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0);
#include <WIOTerminal_WiFiManager.h> //https://github.com/khoih-prog/WIO_WiFiManager
- To use CORS feature with default CORS Header "". Some WebBrowsers won't accept this allowing-all "" CORS Header.
// Default false for using only whenever necessary to avoid security issue
- To use CORS feature with specific CORS Header "Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin". To be modified according to your specific Allowed-Origin.
// Default false for using only whenever necessary to avoid security issue
// New from v1.1.1
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager.setCORSHeader("Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin");
- Not use CORS feature (default)
// Default false for using only whenever necessary to avoid security issue
#define USING_CORS_FEATURE false
- In loop()
void check_WiFi(void)
if ( (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) )
Serial.println("\nWiFi lost. Call connectMultiWiFi in loop");
void check_status(void)
static ulong checkwifi_timeout = 0;
static ulong current_millis;
current_millis = millis();
// Check WiFi every WIFICHECK_INTERVAL (1) seconds.
if ((current_millis > checkwifi_timeout) || (checkwifi_timeout == 0))
checkwifi_timeout = current_millis + WIFICHECK_INTERVAL;
void loop()
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly
- When you want to open a config portal, just add
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager WIOTerminal_WiFiManager;
then later call
While in AP mode, connect to it using its SSID
(WIOTerminal) / Password
("WIOTerminal_Pass"), then open a browser to the AP IP, default
, configure wifi then save. The WiFi connection information will be saved in non volatile memory. It will then reboot and autoconnect.
Once WiFi network information is saved in the WIO-Terminal
, it will try to autoconnect to WiFi every time it is started, without requiring any function calls in the sketch.
In ConfigPortal Mode
, it starts an access point called WIOTerminal
. Connect to it using the configurable password
you can define in the code. For example, WIOTerminal_Pass
(see examples):
// SSID and PW for Config Portal
String ssid = "WIOTerminal";
const char* password = "WIOTerminal_Pass";
After you connected, please, go to, you'll see this Main
Select Information
to enter the Info page where the board info will be shown (short page)
Select Configuration
to enter this page where you can select an AP and specify its WiFi Credentials
Enter your credentials, then click Save. The WiFi Credentials will be saved and the board reboots to connect to the selected WiFi AP.
If you're already connected to a listed WiFi AP and don't want to change anything, just select Exit Portal from the Main
page to reboot the board and connect to the previously-stored AP. The WiFi Credentials are still intact.
You can password protect the ConfigPortal AP. Simply add an SSID as the first parameter and the password as a second parameter to startConfigPortal
. See the above examples.
A short password seems to have unpredictable results so use one that's around 8 characters or more in length.
The guidelines are that a wifi password must consist of 8 to 63 ASCII-encoded characters in the range of 32 to 126 (decimal)
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager.startConfigPortal( SSID , password )
This gets called when custom parameters have been set AND a connection has been established. Use it to set a flag, so when all the configuration finishes, you can save the extra parameters somewhere.
saveConfigCallback declaration and example
//flag for saving data
bool shouldSaveConfig = false;
//callback notifying us of the need to save config
void saveConfigCallback ()
Serial.println("Should save config");
shouldSaveConfig = true;
If you need to set a timeout so the WIO-Terminal
doesn't hang waiting to be configured for ever.
which will wait 2 minutes (120 seconds). When the time passes, the startConfigPortal function will return and continue the sketch, unless you're accessing the Config Portal.
In this case, the startConfigPortal
function will stay until you save config data or exit the Config Portal.
Example usage
void loop()
// is configuration portal requested?
if ((digitalRead(TRIGGER_PIN) == LOW) || (digitalRead(TRIGGER_PIN2) == LOW))
Serial.println("\nConfiguration portal requested.");
digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LED_ON); // turn the LED on by making the voltage LOW to tell us we are in configuration mode.
//Local initialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
WIO_WiFiManager WIO_wifiManager;
// From v1.0.10 only
// Set config portal channel, default = 1. Use 0 => random channel from 1-13
//set custom ip for portal
//WIO_wifiManager.setAPStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1), IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1), IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0));
// Set static IP, Gateway, Subnetmask, DNS1 and DNS2. New in v1.0.5
//WIO_wifiManager.setSTAStaticIPConfig(stationIP, gatewayIP, netMask, dns1IP, dns2IP);
// Set static IP, Gateway, Subnetmask, Use auto DNS1 and DNS2.
//WIO_wifiManager.setSTAStaticIPConfig(stationIP, gatewayIP, netMask);
// New from v1.1.1
//WIO_wifiManager.setCORSHeader("Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin");
//Check if there is stored WiFi router/password credentials.
//If not found, device will remain in configuration mode until switched off via webserver.
Serial.print("Opening configuration portal. ");
Router_SSID = WIO_wifiManager.getSSID();
//Router_Pass = WIO_wifiManager.getPassword();
// From v1.1.0, Don't permit NULL password
if ( (Router_SSID != "") && (Router_Pass != "") )
WIO_wifiManager.setConfigPortalTimeout(120); //If no access point name has been previously entered disable timeout.
Serial.println("Got stored Credentials. Timeout 120s");
Serial.println("No stored Credentials. No timeout");
//Starts an access point
//and goes into a blocking loop awaiting configuration
if (!WIO_wifiManager.startConfigPortal((const char *) ssid.c_str(), password))
Serial.println("Not connected to WiFi but continuing anyway.");
//if you get here you have connected to the WiFi
Serial.println("connected...yeey :)");
Serial.print("Local IP: ");
digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LED_OFF); // Turn led off as we are not in configuration mode.
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly
See ConfigOnSwitch example for a more complex version.
Many applications need configuration parameters like MQTT host and port
, Blynk or emoncms tokens, etc. While it is possible to use WIOTerminal_WiFiManager
to collect additional parameters it is better to read these parameters from a web service once WIOTerminal_WiFiManager
has been used to connect to the internet.
To capture other parameters with WIOTerminal_WiFiManager
is a lot more involved than all the other features and requires adding custom HTML to your form. If you want to do it with WIOTerminal_WiFiManager
see the example ConfigOnSwitchFS
You can set a custom IP for both AP (access point, config mode) and STA (station mode, client mode, normal project state)
This will set your captive portal to a specific IP should you need/want such a feature. Add the following snippet before startConfigPortal()
//set custom ip for portal
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager.setAPStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(10,0,1,1), IPAddress(10,0,1,1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0));
This will use the specified IP configuration instead of using DHCP in station mode.
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager.setSTAStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(192,168,0,99), IPAddress(192,168,0,1), IPAddress(255,255,255,0));
There are various ways in which you can inject custom HTML, CSS or Javascript into the ConfigPortal.
The options are:
- inject custom head element
You can use this to any html bit to the head of the ConfigPortal. If you add a
element, bare in mind it overwrites the included css, not replaces.
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager.setCustomHeadElement("<style>html{filter: invert(100%); -webkit-filter: invert(100%);}</style>");
- inject a custom bit of html in the configuration form
WIO_WMParameter custom_text("<p>This is just a text paragraph</p>");
- inject a custom bit of html in a configuration form element Just add the bit you want added as the last parameter to the custom parameter constructor.
WIO_WMParameter custom_mqtt_server("server", "mqtt server", "iot.eclipse", 40, " readonly");
You can filter networks based on signal quality and show/hide duplicate networks.
- If you would like to filter low signal quality networks you can tell WiFiManager to not show networks below an arbitrary quality %;
will not show networks under 10% signal quality. If you omit the parameter it defaults to 8%;
- You can also remove or show duplicate networks (default is remove). Use this function to show (or hide) all networks.
Example WIOT_ConfigOnDoubleReset
#if !defined(WIO_TERMINAL)
#error This code is intended to run on the WIO Terminal SAMD51 platform! Please check your Tools->Board setting.
// Use from 0 to 4. Higher number, more debugging messages and memory usage.
#include <rpcWiFi.h>
#include <WiFiMulti.h>
WiFiMulti wifiMulti;
#include <DNSServer.h>
#include <WebServer.h>
// Include EEPROM-like API for FlashStorage
#include <FlashAsEEPROM_SAMD.h> //https://github.com/khoih-prog/FlashStorage_SAMD
#define DRD_GENERIC_DEBUG true //false
#include <DoubleResetDetector_Generic.h> //https://github.com/khoih-prog/DoubleResetDetector_Generic
// Number of seconds after reset during which a
// subsequent reset will be considered a double reset.
#define DRD_TIMEOUT 10
// RTC Memory Address for the DoubleResetDetector to use
#define DRD_ADDRESS 0
//DoubleResetDetector_Generic drd(DRD_TIMEOUT, DRD_ADDRESS);
DoubleResetDetector_Generic* drd;//////
// SSID and PW for Config Portal
String ssid = "WIOTerminal";
const char* password = "WIOTerminal_Pass";
// SSID and PW for your Router
String Router_SSID;
String Router_Pass;
#define LED_ON HIGH
#define LED_OFF LOW
#define SSID_MAX_LEN 32
//From v1.0.10, WPA2 passwords can be up to 63 characters long.
#define PASS_MAX_LEN 64
typedef struct
char wifi_ssid[SSID_MAX_LEN];
char wifi_pw [PASS_MAX_LEN];
} WiFi_Credentials;
typedef struct
String wifi_ssid;
String wifi_pw;
} WiFi_Credentials_String;
typedef struct
WiFi_Credentials WiFi_Creds [NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS];
} WM_Config;
WM_Config WM_config;
// Indicates whether ESP has WiFi credentials saved from previous session, or double reset detected
bool initialConfig = false;
// Use false if you don't like to display Available Pages in Information Page of Config Portal
// Comment out or use true to display Available Pages in Information Page of Config Portal
// Must be placed before #include <WIO_WiFiManager.h>
// New in v1.0.11
// Use DHCP
#warning Using DHCP IP
IPAddress stationIP = IPAddress(0, 0, 0, 0);
IPAddress gatewayIP = IPAddress(192, 168, 2, 1);
IPAddress netMask = IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0);
#include <WIOTerminal_WiFiManager.h> //https://github.com/khoih-prog/WIO_WiFiManager
// Function Prototypes
uint8_t connectMultiWiFi(void);
void heartBeatPrint(void)
static int num = 1;
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.print("H"); // H means connected to WiFi
Serial.print("F"); // F means not connected to WiFi
if (num == 80)
num = 1;
else if (num++ % 10 == 0)
Serial.print(" ");
void check_WiFi(void)
if ( (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) )
Serial.println("\nWiFi lost. Call connectMultiWiFi in loop");
void check_status(void)
static ulong checkstatus_timeout = 0;
static ulong checkwifi_timeout = 0;
static ulong current_millis;
current_millis = millis();
// Check WiFi every WIFICHECK_INTERVAL (1) seconds.
if ((current_millis > checkwifi_timeout) || (checkwifi_timeout == 0))
checkwifi_timeout = current_millis + WIFICHECK_INTERVAL;
// Print heartbeat every HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL (10) seconds.
if ((current_millis > checkstatus_timeout) || (checkstatus_timeout == 0))
checkstatus_timeout = current_millis + HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL;
// The SAMD FlashStorage will be erased after reflash the new firmware / sketch.
// You're required to enter Config Portal if no WiFi Credentials are stored.
bool loadConfigData(void)
uint16_t offset = EEPROM_START;
uint8_t* _pointer = (uint8_t *) &WM_config;
int checkSum = 0;
int readCheckSum;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(WM_config); i++, _pointer++, offset++)
*_pointer = EEPROM.read(offset);
checkSum += *_pointer;
_pointer = (uint8_t *) &readCheckSum;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(readCheckSum); i++, _pointer++, offset++)
*_pointer = EEPROM.read(offset);
Serial.print(F("Calc. CheckSum = 0x"));
Serial.print(String(checkSum, HEX));
Serial.print(F(", Read CheckSum = 0x"));
Serial.println(String(readCheckSum, HEX));
return (checkSum == readCheckSum);
void saveConfigData(void)
uint16_t offset = EEPROM_START;
uint8_t* _pointer = (uint8_t *) &WM_config;
int checkSum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(WM_config); i++, _pointer++, offset++)
checkSum += *_pointer;
EEPROM.write(offset, *_pointer);
_pointer = (uint8_t *) &checkSum;
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(checkSum); i++, _pointer++, offset++)
EEPROM.write(offset, *_pointer);
Serial.print(F("CheckSum = 0x"));
Serial.println(String(checkSum, HEX));
uint8_t connectMultiWiFi(void)
// This better be 0 to shorten the connect time
uint8_t status;
WIO_LOGERROR(F("ConnectMultiWiFi with :"));
if ( (Router_SSID != "") && (Router_Pass != "") )
WIO_LOGERROR3(F("* Flash-stored Router_SSID = "), Router_SSID, F(", Router_Pass = "), Router_Pass );
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS; i++)
// Don't permit NULL SSID and password len < MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE (8)
if ( (String(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) != "") && (strlen(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) >= MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE) )
WIO_LOGERROR3(F("* Additional SSID = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, F(", PW = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw );
WIO_LOGERROR(F("Connecting MultiWifi..."));
int i = 0;
status = wifiMulti.run();
while ( ( i++ < 10 ) && ( status != WL_CONNECTED ) )
status = wifiMulti.run();
if ( status == WL_CONNECTED )
if ( status == WL_CONNECTED )
WIO_LOGERROR1(F("WiFi connected after time: "), i);
WIO_LOGERROR1(F("IP address:"), WiFi.localIP() );
WIO_LOGERROR(F("WiFi not connected"));
return status;
void processDataFromCP(WIO_WiFiManager &WIO_wifiManager)
// Stored for later usage, from v1.1.0, but clear first
memset(&WM_config, 0, sizeof(WM_config));
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS; i++)
String tempSSID = WIO_wifiManager.getSSID(i);
String tempPW = WIO_wifiManager.getPW(i);
if (strlen(tempSSID.c_str()) < sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) - 1)
strcpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, tempSSID.c_str());
strncpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, tempSSID.c_str(), sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) - 1);
if (strlen(tempPW.c_str()) < sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) - 1)
strcpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw, tempPW.c_str());
strncpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw, tempPW.c_str(), sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) - 1);
void setup()
// put your setup code here, to run once:
// initialize the LED digital pin as an output.
while (!Serial);
Serial.println("\nStarting WIOT_ConfigOnDoubleReset with DoubleResetDetect on " + String(BOARD_NAME));
drd = new DoubleResetDetector_Generic(DRD_TIMEOUT, DRD_ADDRESS);
unsigned long startedAt = millis();
//Local initialization. Once its business is done, there is no need to keep it around
WIO_WiFiManager WIO_wifiManager;
// Use only to erase stored WiFi Credentials
//set custom ip for portal
//WIO_wifiManager.setAPStaticIPConfig(IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1), IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1), IPAddress(255, 255, 255, 0));
// From v1.0.10 only
// Set config portal channel, default = 1. Use 0 => random channel from 1-13
// New from v1.1.1
WIO_wifiManager.setCORSHeader("Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin");
if (drd->detectDoubleReset())
// DRD, disable timeout.
WIO_LOGERROR("Open Config Portal without Timeout: Double Reset Detected");
initialConfig = true;
WIO_LOGERROR("No Double Reset Detected");
// We can't use WiFi.SSID() in ESP32as it's only valid after connected.
// SSID and Password stored in ESP32 wifi_ap_record_t and wifi_config_t are also cleared in reboot
// Have to create a new function to store in EEPROM/SPIFFS for this purpose
Router_SSID = WIO_wifiManager.WiFi_SSID();
Router_Pass = WIO_wifiManager.WiFi_Pass();
//Remove this line if you do not want to see WiFi password printed
Serial.println("Stored: SSID = " + Router_SSID + ", Pass = " + Router_Pass);
// If no stored WiFi data, load from saved EEPROM
if ( (Router_SSID == "") || (Router_Pass == "") )
// Load stored data and verify CheckSum
if (loadConfigData())
// Don't permit NULL SSID and password len < MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE (8)
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS; i++)
// Don't permit NULL SSID and password len < MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE (8)
if ( (String(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) != "") && (strlen(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) >= MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE) )
WIO_LOGERROR3(F("* Add SSID = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, F(", PW = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw );
wifiMulti.addAP(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw);
if ( ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) && !initialConfig )
WIO_LOGERROR(F("ConnectWiFi in setup"));
if ( connectMultiWiFi() == WL_CONNECTED )
Serial.println("Connected to " + Router_SSID);
// From v1.1.0, Don't permit NULL password
if ( (Router_SSID != "") && (Router_Pass != "") && !initialConfig )
WIO_LOGERROR3(F("* Add SSID = "), Router_SSID, F(", PW = "), Router_Pass);
wifiMulti.addAP(Router_SSID.c_str(), Router_Pass.c_str());
WIO_wifiManager.setConfigPortalTimeout(120); //If no access point name has been previously entered disable timeout.
WIO_LOGERROR("Got stored Credentials. Timeout 120s for Config Portal");
WIO_LOGERROR("Open Config Portal without Timeout: No stored Credentials.");
digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LED_ON); // Turn led on as we are in configuration mode.
initialConfig = true;
if (initialConfig)
WIO_LOGERROR("Starting configuration portal.");
digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LED_ON); // turn the LED on by making the voltage LOW to tell us we are in configuration mode.
//sets timeout in seconds until configuration portal gets turned off.
//If not specified device will remain in configuration mode until
//switched off via webserver or device is restarted.
// Starts an access point
if (!WIO_wifiManager.startConfigPortal((const char *) ssid.c_str(), password))
WIO_LOGERROR("Not connected to WiFi but continuing anyway.");
WIO_LOGERROR("WiFi connected...yeey :)");
// Stored for later usage, from v1.1.0, but clear first
memset(&WM_config, 0, sizeof(WM_config));
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS; i++)
String tempSSID = WIO_wifiManager.getSSID(i);
String tempPW = WIO_wifiManager.getPW(i);
if (strlen(tempSSID.c_str()) < sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) - 1)
strcpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, tempSSID.c_str());
strncpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, tempSSID.c_str(), sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) - 1);
if (strlen(tempPW.c_str()) < sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) - 1)
strcpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw, tempPW.c_str());
strncpy(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw, tempPW.c_str(), sizeof(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) - 1);
// Don't permit NULL SSID and password len < MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE (8)
if ( (String(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) != "") && (strlen(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) >= MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE) )
WIO_LOGERROR3(F("* Add SSID = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, F(", PW = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw );
wifiMulti.addAP(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw);
digitalWrite(PIN_LED, LED_OFF); // Turn led off as we are not in configuration mode.
startedAt = millis();
if (!initialConfig)
// Load stored data, the addAP ready for MultiWiFi reconnection
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_WIFI_CREDENTIALS; i++)
// Don't permit NULL SSID and password len < MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE (8)
if ( (String(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid) != "") && (strlen(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw) >= MIN_AP_PASSWORD_SIZE) )
WIO_LOGERROR3(F("* Add SSID = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, F(", PW = "), WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw );
wifiMulti.addAP(WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_ssid, WM_config.WiFi_Creds[i].wifi_pw);
if ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED )
WIO_LOGERROR("ConnectMultiWiFi in setup");
Serial.print("After waiting ");
Serial.print((float) (millis() - startedAt) / 1000L);
Serial.print(" secs more in setup(), connection result is ");
if (WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED)
Serial.print("connected. Local IP: ");
void loop()
// Call the double reset detector loop method every so often,
// so that it can recognise when the timeout expires.
// You can also call drd.stop() when you wish to no longer
// consider the next reset as a double reset.
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly
This is terminal debug output when running WIOT_ConfigOnDoubleReset on SeeedStudio SAMD51 WIO-Terminal.
Config Portal (CP) was requested to input and save WiFi Credentials. The boards then connected to WiFi successfully. Then DRD was detected, CP was again requested to update WiFi Credentials.
Starting WIOT_ConfigOnDoubleReset with DoubleResetDetect on WIO_TERMINAL
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager v1.2.1
[WM] Set CORS Header to : Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin
Flag read = 0xffffffff
No doubleResetDetected
SetFlag write = 0xd0d01234
[WM] No Double Reset Detected
Stored: SSID = , Pass =
Calc. CheckSum = 0xbf40, Read CheckSum = 0xffffffff
[WM] Open Config Portal without Timeout: No stored Credentials.
[WM] Starting configuration portal.
[WM] WiFi.waitForConnectResult Done
[WM] new DNSServer
[WM] new WebServer
Configuring AP SSID = WIOTerminal
[WM] AP PWD = WIOTerminal_Pass
[WM] AP Channel = 1
[WM] AP IP address =
[WM] HTTP server started
[WM] WIO_WiFiManager::startConfigPortal : Enter loop
[WM] WiFi save
[WM] Sent wifi save page
[WM] Connecting to new AP
[WM] Removing Wi-Fi Settings
[WM] Connect to new WiFi using new IP parameters
[WM] Connection result: WL_CONNECTED
[WM] WiFi connected...yeey :)
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet1 , PW = 12345678
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet2 , PW = 12345678
CheckSum = 0xbc7
After waiting 0.00 secs more in setup(), connection result is connected. Local IP:
Stop doubleResetDetecting
ClearFlag write = 0xd0d04321
Starting WIOT_ConfigOnDoubleReset with DoubleResetDetect on WIO_TERMINAL
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager v1.2.1
[WM] Set CORS Header to : Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin
Flag read = 0xd0d01234
ClearFlag write = 0xd0d04321
[WM] Open Config Portal without Timeout: Double Reset Detected
Stored: SSID = , Pass =
Calc. CheckSum = 0xbc7, Read CheckSum = 0xbc7
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet1 , PW = 12345678
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet2 , PW = 12345678
[WM] Open Config Portal without Timeout: No stored Credentials.
[WM] Starting configuration portal.
[WM] WiFi.waitForConnectResult Done
[WM] new DNSServer
[WM] new WebServer
Configuring AP SSID = WIOTerminal
[WM] AP PWD = WIOTerminal_Pass
[WM] AP Channel = 1
[WM] AP IP address =
[WM] HTTP server started
[WM] WIO_WiFiManager::startConfigPortal : Enter loop
[WM] WiFi save
[WM] Sent wifi save page
[WM] Connecting to new AP
[WM] Removing Wi-Fi Settings
[WM] Connect to new WiFi using new IP parameters
[WM] Connection result: WL_CONNECTED
[WM] WiFi connected...yeey :)
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet1 , PW = 12345678
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet2 , PW = 12345678
CheckSum = 0xbc7
After waiting 0.00 secs more in setup(), connection result is connected. Local IP:
This is terminal debug output when running WIOT_ConfigOnSwitch on SeeedStudio SAMD51 WIO-Terminal.
By pressing a Switch (WIO_KEY_C or WIO_KEY_B), Config Portal (CP) was requested in loop() to update and save WiFi Credentials.
The boards then connected to WiFi successfully.
Starting WIOT_ConfigOnSwitch on WIO_TERMINAL
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager v1.2.1
[WM] Calc. CheckSum = 0xbf40 , Read CheckSum = 0xffffffff **<======== Restart and No stored data in Flash**
Stored: SSID = , Pass =
Open Config Portal without Timeout: No stored Credentials.
Starting Config. Portal.
[WM] WiFi.waitForConnectResult Done
Configuring AP SSID = WIOTerminal
[WM] AP PWD = WIOTerminal_Pass
[WM] AP Channel = 1
[WM] AP IP address =
[WM] HTTP server started
[WM] WIO_WiFiManager::startConfigPortal : Enter loop
[WM] WiFi save
[WM] Sent wifi save page
[WM] Connecting to new AP
[WM] Removing Wi-Fi Settings
[WM] Connect to new WiFi using new IP parameters
[WM] Connection result: WL_CONNECTED
WiFi connected...yeey :)
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet1 , PW = 12345678
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet2 , PW = 12345678
[WM] CheckSum=0xbc7
After 37.85 secs waiting in setup(), result is connected. Local IP:
WiFi lost. Call connectMultiWiFi in loop
[WM] ConnectMultiWiFi with :
[WM] * Additional SSID = HueNet1 , PW = 12345678
[WM] * Additional SSID = HueNet2 , PW = 12345678
[WM] Connecting MultiWifi...
[WM] WiFi connected after time: 1
[WM] SSID: ,RSSI= -56
[WM] IP address:
Starting ConfigOnSwitch on WIO_TERMINAL
[WM] Calc. CheckSum = 0xbc7 , Read CheckSum = 0xbc7
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet1 , PW = 12345678
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet2 , PW = 12345678
ConnectMultiWiFi in setup
[WM] ConnectMultiWiFi with :
[WM] * Additional SSID = HueNet1 , PW = 12345678
[WM] * Additional SSID = HueNet2 , PW = 12345678
[WM] Connecting MultiWifi...
[WM] WiFi connected after time: 1
[WM] SSID: ,RSSI= -43
[WM] IP address:
This is terminal debug output when running WIOT_ConfigOnSwitch_1WiFi on SeeedStudio SAMD51 WIO-Terminal to demonstrate how to configure the library to work with only single WiFi.
By pressing a Switch (WIO_KEY_C or WIO_KEY_B), Config Portal (CP) was requested in loop() to update and save WiFi Credentials.
The boards then connected to WiFi successfully.
Starting WIOT_ConfigOnSwitch_1WiFi on WIO_TERMINAL
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager v1.2.1
[WM] Set CORS Header to : Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin
Calc. CheckSum = 0x5fa0, Read CheckSum = 0xffffffff
Stored: SSID = , Pass =
Open Config Portal without Timeout: No stored Credentials.
Starting Config. Portal.
[WM] WiFi.waitForConnectResult Done
[WM] new DNSServer
[WM] new WebServer
Configuring AP SSID = WIOTerminal
[WM] AP PWD = WIOTerminal_Pass
[WM] AP Channel = 1
[WM] AP IP address =
[WM] HTTP server started
[WM] WIO_WiFiManager::startConfigPortal : Enter loop
[WM] Handle root
[WM] Handle Wifi
[WM] Scanning Network
[WM] scanWifiNetworks: Done, Scanned Networks n = 19
[WM] Sorting
[WM] Removing Dup
[WM] Index = 0
[WM] SSID = HueNet_5G
[WM] RSSI = -29
[WM] Index = 1
[WM] SSID = HueNetTek_5G
[WM] RSSI = -29
[WM] Index = 2
[WM] SSID = HueNet
[WM] RSSI = -31
[WM] Index = 3
[WM] SSID = HueNet1
[WM] RSSI = -32
[WM] Index = 4
[WM] SSID = HueNetTek
[WM] RSSI = -32
[WM] Index = 5
[WM] SSID = HueNet2_5G
[WM] RSSI = -48
[WM] Index = 6
[WM] SSID = HueNet2
[WM] RSSI = -55
[WM] Index = 7
[WM] SSID = guest_5
[WM] RSSI = -71
[WM] Index = 8
[WM] SSID = pitesti
[WM] RSSI = -72
[WM] Index = 9
[WM] RSSI = -77
[WM] Index = 10
[WM] SSID = guest_24
[WM] RSSI = -81
[WM] Index = 12
[WM] SSID = Waterhome
[WM] RSSI = -88
[WM] Index = 15
[WM] SSID = Oceanlife
[WM] RSSI = -89
[WM] Index = 16
[WM] SSID = Access
[WM] RSSI = -94
[WM] Index = 17
[WM] SSID = dlink-4F96
[WM] RSSI = -95
[WM] Index = 18
[WM] RSSI = -99
[WM] Sent config page
[WM] WiFi save
[WM] Sent wifi save page
[WM] Connecting to new AP
[WM] Removing Wi-Fi Settings
[WM] Connect to new WiFi using new IP parameters
[WM] Connection result: WL_CONNECTED
WiFi connected...yeey :)
CheckSum = 0x5e3
After 68.39 secs waiting in setup(), result is connected. Local IP:
Starting WIOT_ConfigOnSwitch_1WiFi on WIO_TERMINAL
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager v1.2.1
[WM] Set CORS Header to : Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin
Calc. CheckSum = 0x5e3, Read CheckSum = 0x5e3
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet1 , PW = 12345678
ConnectWiFi in setup
Connecting to HueNet1
Connected to HueNet1
Config. portal requested.
[WM] Set CORS Header to : Your Access-Control-Allow-Origin
Opening configuration portal. No stored Credentials. No timeout
[WM] WiFi.waitForConnectResult Done
[WM] new DNSServer
[WM] new WebServer
Configuring AP SSID = WIOTerminal
[WM] AP PWD = WIOTerminal_Pass
[WM] AP Channel = 1
[WM] AP IP address =
[WM] HTTP server started
[WM] WIO_WiFiManager::startConfigPortal : Enter loop
[WM] WiFi save
[WM] Sent wifi save page
[WM] Connecting to new AP
[WM] Removing Wi-Fi Settings
[WM] Connect to new WiFi using new IP parameters
[WM] Connection result: WL_CONNECTED
connected...yeey :)
Local IP:
CheckSum = 0x5e3
This is terminal debug output when running WIOT_ConfigOnStartup on SeeedStudio SAMD51 WIO-Terminal.
This example will open a configuration portal for CONFIG_PORTAL_TIMEOUT_SEC seconds when first powered up if the boards has stored WiFi Credentials.
Otherwise, it'll stay indefinitely in ConfigPortal until getting WiFi Credentials and connecting to WiFi
Starting WIOT_ConfigOnStartup on WIO_TERMINAL
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager v1.2.1
Calc. CheckSum = 0xbf40, Read CheckSum = 0xffffffff
[WM] Stored: SSID = , Pass =
[WM] Opening configuration portal.
[WM] Open Config Portal without Timeout: No stored Credentials.
[WM] Starting configuration portal.
[WM] WiFi.waitForConnectResult Done
[WM] new DNSServer
[WM] new WebServer
Configuring AP SSID = WIOTerminal
[WM] AP PWD = WIOTerminal_Pass
[WM] AP Channel = 1
[WM] AP IP address =
[WM] HTTP server started
[WM] WIO_WiFiManager::startConfigPortal : Enter loop
[WM] WiFi save
[WM] Sent wifi save page
[WM] Connecting to new AP
[WM] Removing Wi-Fi Settings
[WM] Connect to new WiFi using new IP parameters
[WM] Connection result: WL_CONNECTED
[WM] WiFi connected...yeey :)
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet1 , PW = 12345678
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet2 , PW = 12345678
CheckSum = 0xbc7
After waiting 0.00 secs more in setup(), connection result is connected. Local IP:
Starting ConfigOnStartup on WIO_TERMINAL
WIOTerminal_WiFiManager v1.2.1
Calc. CheckSum = 0xbc7, Read CheckSum = 0xbc7
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet1 , PW = 12345678
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet2 , PW = 12345678
[WM] Stored: SSID = HueNet2 , Pass = 12345678
[WM] Opening configuration portal.
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet2 , PW = 12345678
[WM] Got stored Credentials. Timeout for Config Portal = 120
[WM] Starting configuration portal.
[WM] WiFi.waitForConnectResult Done
[WM] new DNSServer
[WM] new WebServer
Configuring AP SSID = WIOTerminal
[WM] AP PWD = WIOTerminal_Pass
[WM] AP Channel = 1
[WM] AP IP address =
[WM] HTTP server started
[WM] WIO_WiFiManager::startConfigPortal : Enter loop
[WM] Timed out connection result: WL_CONNECTED
[WM] WiFi connected...yeey :)
Calc. CheckSum = 0xbc7, Read CheckSum = 0xbc7
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet1 , PW = 12345678
[WM] * Add SSID = HueNet2 , PW = 12345678
After waiting 0.05 secs more in setup(), connection result is connected. Local IP:
Debug is enabled by default on Serial. To disable, add before startConfigPortal()
You can also change the debugging level from 0 to 4
// Use from 0 to 4. Higher number, more debugging messages and memory usage.
If you get compilation errors, more often than not, you may need to install newer versions of
Seeeduino SAMD core 1.8.1+
for SAMD51 Wio TerminalSeeed_Arduino_rpcWiFi library v1.0.0+
for WIO-Terminal or boards using Realtek RTL8720DN WiFi. To be used withSeeed_Arduino_rpcUnified library v2.0.0+
core for Arduino.
Sometimes, the library will only work if you update the Seeed_Arduino_rpcUnified
or Seeed_Arduino_rpcWiFi
library to the latest version because I am using some newly added function.
If you connect to the created configuration Access Point but the ConfigPortal does not show up, just open a browser and type in the IP of the web portal, by default
Submit issues to: WIOTerminal_WiFiManager issues
Due to some problems of still-unmature Seeed_Arduino_rpcUnified
and Seeed_Arduino_rpcWiFi
libraries, there are the current limitations:
- Hostname and StaticIP not working.
- AP IP Address is only
- Some new versions of
will break the WiFi Scanning process and hang there.
Please use and test to see if the limitations are fixed.
- Bug Searching and Killing
- Support more types of new boards
- Support more types of Ethernet modules/shields, such as LAN8742A, LAN8720, etc.
- Support more types of WiFi modules/shields, such as WiFi101, ESP8266-AT, ESP32-AT
- Support GSM/GPRS modules/shields.
- Support ENC28J60 Ethernet modules/shields, using new EthernetENC library.
- Add support to Adafruit SAMD21 (Itsy-Bitsy M0, Metro M0, Feather M0 Express, etc.).
- Add support to Adafruit SAMD51 (Itsy-Bitsy M4, Metro M4, Grand Central M4, Feather M4 Express, etc.).
- Add support to Adafruit nRF52 ( Feather nRF52832, nRF52840 Express, BlueFruit Sense, Itsy-Bitsy nRF52840 Express, Metro nRF52840 Express, NINA_B302_ublox, NINA_B112_ublox, etc.).
- Add support to SAM DUE.
- Add support to Teensy.
- Add support to all STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 having 64K+ Flash program memory.
- Add support to W5x00, ENC28J60 Ethernet modules/shields.
- Add support to Ethernet, EthernetLarge, Ethernet2, Ethernet3, UIPEthernet libraries.
- Based on and modified from Tzapu and KenTaylor's version
![]() ⭐️ Tzapu |
![]() ⭐️ Ken Taylor |
If you want to contribute to this project:
- Report bugs and errors
- Ask for enhancements
- Create issues and pull requests
- Tell other people about this library
- The library is licensed under MIT
Copyright 2020- Khoi Hoang