
Multiple WiFiClients don't have access to active connection

theotherjenkutler opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if I'm trying to do something that is currently unsupported but I am trying to have multiple WiFiClients running at once through the connection created by the WiFi Manager. It appears that only one WiFiClient instance named "client" can access the internet. When I try to create other WiFiClient instances, named for example audioClient, it fails to connect. For example, audioClient.connect() will fail where client.connect() works. audioClient.available() will always be false where client.available() will be true.

I am currently running Arduino IDE version 1.8.13 with a SAMD51 and ESP32 connected over SPI flashed with the Adafruit WiFiNINA library written for ESP32 use. -- Details are available here: and the repo is here:

and my OS is OSX 10.15.7

Thank you!

Sorry to bother you. I think I figured it out.