Asking for a complete code-example for RP2040-connect board incl. custom SSID/PW of Access Point
iKK001 opened this issue · 1 comments
Using the board "Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect" I have two or three questions:
- to set my own Access-Point SSID and PW - what do I have to do ?
I thought of using theWiFiManager_NINA->begin(HOST_NAME);
but this does not work.
The Access-point SSID remains the default (ie. something like "WIFININA_51X356")
What other cmd does change to a default SSID/PW for the Access-Point at very first usage of the board ?
- What is the best library to use for the "Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect" board ?
Is itWiFiManager_NINA_Lite
or which one ?
My needed steps are as states here below:
A) At first startup (or when Home-SSID/PW change): --> RP2040 starts up as Access Point (with custom SSID/PW)
B) Then user can take a mobile phone and find the Access Point, connect to it in WiFi settings
C1) ideally, the mobile phone shows a HTML-page directly where user can enter Home-Network credentials (SSID/PW or home-network)
C2) if automatic opening of HTML is not possible, then user goes to custom IP where the SSID/PW of home-network can be entered
D) RP2040 receives the credentials and stores them securely in Flash
E) RP2040 reconnects automatically to the home-network using the received credentials (SSID/PW of home-network)
F) At any further startup after power-off, the RP2040 connects to the home-network directly (without being an Access Point any more). One exception: if home-network SSID or PW change, then restart at Step A)
If I understand correctly, your WiFiManager_NINA_Lite library can do exactly those steps - or not ??
I am very desperate to get this to work.
Please give a complete code-example for the steps above (A-F) for the "Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect" board.
Thank you
Thanks your using the library.
- to set my own Access-Point SSID and PW - what do I have to do ?
Use function
void setConfigPortal(String ssid = "", String pass = "");
For example, check the example in Custom AP settings #3
WiFiManager_NINA = new WiFiManager_NINA_Lite();
// Set customized AP IP
WiFiManager_NINA_Lite->setConfigPortalIP(IPAddress(192, 168, 100, 1));
String AP_SSID = "your_customized_ssid";
String AP_PWD = "your_customized_pwd";
// Set customized AP SSID and PWD
WiFiManager_NINA_Lite->setConfigPortal(AP_SSID, AP_PWD);
- What is the best library to use for the "Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect" board ?
Is it WiFiManager_NINA_Lite or WiFiNINA_Generic or which one ?
You have to read the README of each library and figure out they are written for different purpose.
is just driver for WiFiNINA which is used by Nano_RP2020_Connect, Nano_33_IoTWiFiManager_NINA_Lite
is a WiFiManager for boards using WiFiNINA,to enable store Credentials in EEPROM/LittleFS for easy configuration/reconfiguration and autoconnect/autoreconnect of WiFi and other services without Hardcoding
My needed steps are as states here below:
A) At first startup (or when Home-SSID/PW change): --> RP2040 starts up as Access Point (with custom SSID/PW)
F) At any further startup after power-off, the RP2040 connects to the home-network directly (without being an Access Point any more). One exception: if home-network SSID or PW change, then restart at Step A)If I understand correctly, your WiFiManager_NINA_Lite library can do exactly those steps - or not ??
Did you try the example RP2040_WiFiNINA ?
Can do or not
is up to you to decide. If you haven't tried the example to understand what it can provide, or have no idea of what you're talking, I also have no idea what to say.
Certainly we, the library writers, can try our best by writing as many examples as we see fit to help.
Good Luck,