
Gobra is a graphical user interface (GUI) for the cobra command line interface (cli).

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Gobra generates web interfaces to interact with cobra


There are two parts to Gobra: generating client-side interface and serving a HTTP API.

Generating client-side HTML

Gobra has a CommandFromCobra struct which takes in two arguments: a cobra.Command and a string which is the address for the server the client-side will connect to. If the address is left blank, the client will connect to the same server it resides.

Calling CommandFromCobra.Render() will return an HTML string, which you can use to insert into your already existing webpage.

Running the API

Gobra also has a Server struct which takes in 4 arguments: cobra.Command, port number, AllowCORS and Frontless.

The cobra.Command argument should be the same one that you give to CommandFromGobra. AllowCORS is a bool determines whether the API will have Access-Allow-Control-Origin: * or not. If Frontless is true, Gobra will not serve the index.html file from the folder it's run.


Here is an example in the case where you would run both the client-side and API on the same server:

import (

func main () {
	const wrapper = `
		[Your webpage's HTML here]
	output := template.Must(template.New("outputPage").Parse(wrapper))

	cmd := &gobra.CommandFromCobra{ cmd.Root, "" }

	val, err := cmd.Render();
	if err != nil {

	// We dump this HTML file into the current folder
	f, err := os.Create("index.html")
	output.Execute(f, template.HTML(val))

	// The server will start serving the index.html file we've just made
	// on port 8080, and the API will be served from /gobra as well.
	server := gobra.Server { cmd.Root, 8080, false, false }

API endpoints

If you decide to use Gobra only as a server, the API endpoint works like so:

If the command you want to run is: app math add --num1=3 --num2=6

You would want to make a GET request to: //<serverAddress>/app/math/add?num1=3&num2=6