
Utilities for IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation

Last update: 2024-01-22 use '1.0.1-stable'

> main maybe unstable

This repository contains a series of examples and tools for creating and configuring containerized Process Federation Servers in IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation deployment.


This software and the configurations contained in the repository MUST be considered as examples for educational purposes.
Do not use in a production environment without making your own necessary modifications.


WARNING: before run any command please update configuration files with your values

Please use '-stable' versions, the main branch may contain untested functionality.

See 'Prerequisites' section before deploying PFS servers.

All examples make use of dynamic storage, the presence of a storage class for dynamic volume allocation is required.

The tools 'oc' and 'jq' are required.

The 'openssl' tool is required only for the integration scenario with external services protected by TLS transports.

All examples and scripts are only available for Linux boxes with bash shell.

WARNING: before run any command please update configuration files with your values.

Description of configuration files and variables

PFS configuration file variables

CP4BA_INST_PFS_NAME=<name-of-cr> # any name k8s compatible
CP4BA_INST_PFS_NAMESPACE=<target-namespace> # any name k8s compatible
CP4BA_INST_PFS_STORAGE_CLASS=<name-of-file-type-storage-class> # select one available from your OCP cluster
CP4BA_INST_PFS_APP_VER=<cp4ba-version-number> (eg: 23.0.2)
CP4BA_INST_PFS_ADMINUSER=<admin-user-name> # any user in your IDP/LDAP configuration (eg: "cpadmin")


To continue with the deployment examples, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • The destination namespace must contain at least a running Foundation deployment (a starter deployment configuration is enough).

  • Before creating the PFS deployment verify the presence of 'elasticsearch' in 'shared_configuration.sc_optional_components'. The PFS operator will wait undefinitely if 'elasticsearch' is not set.

Create process federation server

cd ./scripts
time ./pfs-deploy.sh -c ../configs/pfs1.properties

# used for PFS-BAW-WFPS demos
cd ./scripts
time ./pfs-deploy.sh -c ../configs/demo-wfps-baw.properties

Show federated servers

# only names
./pfs-show-federated.sh -c ../configs/pfs1.properties

# all details
./pfs-show-federated.sh -c ../configs/pfs1.properties -d

Show federated contents

# only tasks
./pfs-show-contents.sh -c ../configs/pfs1.properties -t

# only processes
./pfs-show-contents.sh -c ../configs/pfs1.properties -p

# only launchable entities
./pfs-show-contents.sh -c ../configs/pfs1.properties -l

# all
./pfs-show-contents.sh -c ../configs/pfs1.properties -a

# you may combine any parameters but -a


Planning for a CP4BA Process Federation Server production deployment https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cloud-paks/cp-biz-automation/23.0.2?topic=deployment-planning-cp4ba-process-federation-server-production

Installing a CP4BA Process Federation Server production deployment https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cloud-paks/cp-biz-automation/23.0.2?topic=deployments-installing-cp4ba-process-federation-server-production-deployment

Other useful informations about PFS when used with BAW https://community.ibm.com/community/user/automation/blogs/zhili-guan/2023/08/24/topology-of-baw-on-containers-2301


Administering and operating IBM Process Federation Server Containers https://github.com/icp4a/process-federation-server-containers


Openshift CLI https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.14/cli_reference/openshift_cli/getting-started-cli.html

JQ https://jqlang.github.io/jq


# openapi web page

# launchable entities from all federated servers

# tasks

# processes

# active federated systems

active federated systems - output samples

# no federated servers
  "errorMessage":"CWMFS4021E: There is no federated system declared in Process Federation Server configuration.","errorMessageParameters":[],

# one or more federated servers
  "federationResult": [
      "restUrlPrefix": "https:\/\/cpd-cp4ba-wfps-runtime1.apps.......cloud.techzone.ibm.com\/wfps-t1-wfps\/rest\/bpm\/wle",
      "systemID": "5c160893-9087-42f8-9b31-8485fbaeea2f",
      "displayName": "5c160893-9087-42f8-9b31-8485fbaeea2f",
      "systemType": "SYSTEM_TYPE_WLE",
      "id": "5c160893-9087-42f8-9b31-8485fbaeea2f",
      "taskCompletionUrlPrefix": "https:\/\/cpd-cp4ba-wfps-runtime1.apps......cloud.techzone.ibm.com\/wfps-t1-wfps\/teamworks",
      "version": "",
      "indexRefreshInterval": 2000,
      "statusCode": "200"
  "systems": [
      "systemID": "5c160893-9087-42f8-9b31-8485fbaeea2f",
      "systemType": "SYSTEM_TYPE_WLE",
      "version": "",
      "groupWorkItemsEnabled": false,
      "resources": [
      "taskHistoryEnabled": false,
      "buildLevel": "BPM8600-20230612-130223",
      "substitutionEnabled": false,
      "workBasketsEnabled": false,
      "substitutionManagementRestrictedToAdministrators": false,
      "businessCategoriesEnabled": false,
      "taskSearchEnabled": false,
      "notificationWebMessagingEnabled": true,
      "taskListWebMessagingEnabled": true,
      "hostsTaskFilterService": false,
      "apiVersion": "1.0",
      "supports": null,
      "hostname": "wfps-t1-wfps-service"