
Utilities for IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation

Last update: 2024-07-02

  1. cp4ba-remove-namespace.sh

    Removes contents and deletes a namespace. Cleans all CP4BA resources on its own.

    Updated for v24.x

  2. reboot-nodes.sh

    Reboots nodes of the Openshift cluster. It is possible to select between workers, master and both.

  3. configure-bastudio-ci-cd

    Sequence of operations to configure BAStudio with GIT for CI/CD.

  4. cp4ba-baw-applications.sh (Workflow / Case)

    Applications management (list/deploy/activate/deactivate/undeploy/teambindings)

  5. cp4ba-tls-entry-point

    Update ZenService endpoint TLS certificate

    See: Custom Cloud Pak Platform UI (Zen) Route and certificates

  6. nginx-proxy-custom

    Proxy used to log content and headers sent by BPMRESTRequest (BAW service) or other OpenAPI implementations