
V2Ray (V2Fly) Docker Compose (Bridge and Upstream Servers)

Primary LanguagePython

V2Ray (V2Fly) Docker Compose

This repository contains sample Docker Compose files to run V2Ray (V2Fly) upstream and bridge servers.

Note If you need to manage your users and their usage, see Outline Bridge Server instead.



  • Upstream Server: A server that has free access to the Internet.
  • Bridge Server: A server that is available to clients and has access to the upstream server.
  • Client: A user-side application with access to the bridge server.
(Client) <-> [ Bridge Server ] <-> [ Upstream Server ] <-> (Internet)


Upstream Server

  1. Install Docker and Docker-compose.
  2. Copy the v2ray-upstream-server directory into the upstream server.
  3. Run cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid command to generate a UUID.
  4. Replace <UPSTREAM-UUID> in the config/config.json file with the generated UUID.
  5. Run docker-compose up -d.

Bridge Server

  1. Install Docker and Docker-compose.
  2. Copy the v2ray-bridge-server directory into the bridge server.
  3. Replace the following variables in the config/config.json file with appropriate values.
    • <SHADOWSOCKS-PASSWORD>: A password for Shadowsocks users like FR33DoM.
    • <BRIDGE-UUID>: A new UUID for bridge server (Run cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid).
    • <UPSTREAM-IP>: The upstream server IP address like
    • <UPSTREAM-UUID>: The generated UUID for the upstream server.
  4. Run docker-compose up -d.
  5. (Optional) You can run ./v2ray-bridge-server/clients.py to generate client configurations and links.


Shadowsocks Protocol

Shadowsocks is a popular proxy protocol with a variety of client applications. We recommend these client applications:

You can configure your client application using these settings:

IP Address: <BRIDGE-IP>
Port: 1210
Encryption/Method/Algorithm: aes-128-gcm
VMESS Protocol

The VMESS proxy protocol is the primary protocol that V2Ray (V2Fly) servers provide. We recommend these client applications:

You can configure your client application using these settings:

IP Address: <BRIDGE-IP>
Port: 1310
Alter ID: 0
Level: 0
Security/Method/Encryption: aes-128-gcm
Network: TCP

Moved here: HTTP_SOCKS.md


  • Some hostings might ban your proxy traffic. Use an appropriate hosting.
  • Some Internet providers might ban your proxy traffic. Use an appropriate Internet provider. See #57.

Docker images



This repository is kind of forked from v2ray-config-examples. Thanks to @xesina and other contributors.