The Federated SIP project is a set of scripts designed to run OpenSIPS + rtpengine in a way that will provide federated, open communication with any other SIP server on the internet.
- SIP registrar with multiple domain support, including authenticated and unauthenticated users.
- Complete server side NAT handling for clients behind NAT.
- Federated SIP proxy server that follows RFC3263 for locating SIP servers.
- WebSocket, TCP, TLS, and UDP connectivity on IPV4 or IPV6.
- Media interop between DTLS-SRTP, SRTP and RTP
- Powerful regular expression based outbound translations for dynamic routing.
- Centos and Debian system set up scripts to turn a bare OS install into a full SIP system in a matter of minutes.
Checkout KwikyKonf:
Together with Federate-SIP they make a fast and light WebRTC video chat.