
A quick and easy FreeSWITCH box for playing/hacking on.

Primary LanguageShell

FreeSWITCH Vagrant Box

A quick and easy FreeSWITCH box for playing/hacking on.

This uses Vagrant to spin up a local virtual machine and will install FreeSWITCH for you automatically on the vm.


  • Virtual Box - a cross platform virtual machine program by Oracle
  • Vagrant - a virtual machine provisioner making it easier than ever to automate virtual machine setups


  1. Check out/download the code...

  2. In your terminal, go to the code directory and type: vagrant up. This will download your Ubuntu virtual machine and install FreeSWITCH on it from packages.

  3. When it finishes, type vagrant ssh to get to the terminal of your new virtual machine

  4. Copy the vanilla config into the FreeSWITCH configuration folder: sudo cp -a /usr/share/freeswitch/conf/vanilla /etc/freeswitch

  5. Type sudo service freeswitch start

  6. Party on!!!


  • Shutdown the vm for later using vagrant halt (to boot back up simply use vagrant up again)
  • Pause the vm in its current stat using vagrant suspend (to resume the vm use vagrant resume)