
Quip app to embed Power BI reports

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Embed PowerBI into Quip

Very brief instructions on setting up this app:

  1. Create PowerBI workspace and required Reports in PowerBI
  2. Register a new app in Azure AD, and note the Application Id
  3. Grant the AzureAD app permissions on the PowerBI service
  4. Create a Auth Configuration in Quid developer console, call it PBI, populate the form using the AzureAD tenant OAUTH2 authorize and token endpoints, the clientid = AzureAD application Id, and set scope : https://analysis.windows.net/powerbi/api
  5. Get the quip app Redirect ULR, and add it to the AzureAD apps reply URL
  6. update the POWERBIWORKSPACE <powerbi workspace id> prop that is passed to App component in the root.jsx file (REACT_APP variables dont appear to work!)