
A simple LNK file parser/editor written in PS1.

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


A simple LNK file parser/editor written in PS1. The goal is to provide security assessors and defenders means to generate potentially malicious LNKs files for testing of defenses and/or user awareness.

This is currently a Work In Progress as eventually the script will generate a LNK from scratch. See Usage instructions on how to get the most out of this tool.

WARNING: Use of this code any portion of it is up to the user's own risk! Please practice good cyber hygiene and review the code (or any fork) before execution!!!



In the current release, you will need to provide an existing LNK. An example would be a shortcut that points to %System32%\cmd.exe.

Right-click on the shortcut and go to "Properties". Here there are some items that you will need to configure prior to execution of the Gen-LNK.ps1.

  1. To change the icon, click on Change Icon, and then browse and select the ICO or EXE you wish to pull the icon from. An eexample would be using the Adobe Acrobat Reader Icon inside of Acrord32.exe alt text
  2. To ensure the Has Arguments flag is set, enter a space and a character of your choosing in the box AFTER cmd.exe. I like to use /C ping
  3. Save these changes.

To change the cursor-over text, create a text document with the data you wish to display. This will overwrite the "Comments" section (HasName field in the LNK file format). I have left Adobe_desc.txt as an example. alt_text

alt text

To have the LNK execute a command other than just cmd.exe, you will need to create a text document with your desired command. I have left command.txt as an example (just executes pwsh -command ping; Start-Process calc)


Name Description Default Value
sourcepath Source LNK file to parse (and subsequently edit) $pwd\cmd.exe.lnk
bamboozle Pad command with whitespace unset
fakepath Used with bamboozle, command to exec before whitespace /C start msedge K:\ticket.pdf &
machineName Value to stomp out machineName for OpSec ABBY-PC
destination Destination to save edited LNK file to $pwd\ticket.pdf (encrypted) .lnk
argsFile File containing Command Line Args to pass to the LNK $pwd\commands.txt
verbose Verbose output unset
appendFile Append a File to the tail end of the LNK. This uses one of the reserved fields in the header to specify file start byte unset
appendFilePath File to append (used with above flag) $pwd\ticket.pdf
useextra Use the Extra Field instead of the tail of the LNK. Extremely Expiramental at the moment unset
overwriteComments Switch to Overwrite the Comment (HasName) field to make the LNK more "legitimate" unset
commentPath File containing overwriteComments (above flag) data $pwd\Adobe_desc.txt

Example execution:

./Gen-LNK.ps1 -sourcepath $pwd\cmd.exe.lnk -bamboozle -fakepath "/C start calc &" -machineName ENTERPRISE-1701 -dest "$pwd\SecretPlans.pdf         .lnk" -argsFile $pwd\command.txt -overwriteComments -commentPath $pwd\Adobe_desc.txt