
A validator for PHP with Respect/Validation

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Slim Validation

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A validator for PHP, using Respect Validation (Requires PHP 7+)

This project was originally designed to be used with the Micro-Framework "Slim", but can now be used with any psr/http-message compliant framework, or any other PHP project if you don't need request parameters validation.


$ composer require awurth/slim-validation


To initialize the validator, create a new instance of Awurth\SlimValidation\Validator

Validator::__construct([ bool $showValidationRules = true [, array $defaultMessages = [] ]])
  • If set to true, errors will be stored in an associative array with the validation rules names as the key
$errors = [
    'username' => [
        'length' => 'The username must have a length between 8 and 16',
        'alnum' => 'The username must contain only letters (a-z) and digits (0-9)'
  • If set to false, errors will be stored in an array of strings
$errors = [
    'username' => [
        'The username must have a length between 8 and 16',
        'The username must contain only letters (a-z) and digits (0-9)'

An array of messages to overwrite the default Respect Validation messages

$defaultMessages = [
    'length' => 'This field must have a length between {{minValue}} and {{maxValue}} characters',
    'notBlank' => 'This field is required'

Add the validator as a service

You can add the validator to the app container to access it easily through your application

$container['validator'] = function () {
    return new Awurth\SlimValidation\Validator();


use Respect\Validation\Validator as V;

// The validate method returns the validator instance
$validator = $container->validator->validate($request, [
    'get_or_post_parameter_name' => V::length(6, 25)->alnum('_')->noWhitespace(),
    // ...

if ($validator->isValid()) {
    // Do something...
} else {
    $errors = $validator->getErrors();

Validation methods

Request parameters validation

$_POST = [
    'username' => 'awurth',
    'password' => 'my_password'
 * @var Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request

$validator->request($request, [
    'username' => V::notBlank(),
    'password' => V::length(8)

Object properties validation

class ObjectToValidate {
    private $privateProperty;
    protected $protectedProperty;
    public $pulicProperty;
    // ...
 * @var object $object

$validator->object($object, [
    'privateProperty' => V::notBlank(),
    'protectedProperty' => V::notBlank(),
    'publicProperty' => V::notBlank()

If a property does not exist, the tested value will be null

Array validation

$arrayToValidate = [
    'key_1' => 'value_1',
    'key_2' => 'value_2'
 * @var array $arrayToValidate

$validator->array($arrayToValidate, [
    'key_1' => V::notBlank(),
    'key_2' => V::notBlank()

Single value validation

$validator->value('12345', V::numeric(), 'secret_code');

The validate() method

 * @var Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request

$validator->validate($request, [
    'param' => V::notBlank()

 * @var object $object

$validator->validate($object, [
    'property' => V::notBlank()

 * @var array $array

$validator->array($array, [
    'key' => V::notBlank()

$secretCode = '12345';
$validator->validate($secretCode, [
    'rules' => V::numeric(),
    'key' => 'secret_code'

Error groups

$user = [
    'username' => 'awurth',
    'password' => 'my_password'

$address = [
    'street' => '...',
    'city' => '...',
    'country' => '...'

$validator->validate($user, [
    // ...
], 'user');

$validator->validate($address, [
    // ...
], 'address');

// Will return:
    'user' => [
        'username' => [
            // Errors...
    'address' => [
        'street' => [
            // Errors...

Custom messages

Slim Validation allows you to set custom messages for validation errors. There are 4 types of custom messages

Default rules messages

The ones defined in the Validator constructor.

Global rules messages

Messages that overwrite Respect Validation and default rules messages when calling the validate method.

$container->validator->validate($request, [
    'get_or_post_parameter_name' => V::length(6, 25)->alnum('_')->noWhitespace(),
    // ...
], null, [
    'length' => 'Custom message',
    'alnum' => 'Custom message',
    // ...

Individual rules messages

Messages for a single request parameter. Overwrites all above messages.

$container->validator->validate($request, [
    'get_or_post_parameter_name' => [
        'rules' => V::length(6, 25)->alnum('_')->noWhitespace(),
        'messages' => [
            'length' => 'Custom message',
            'alnum' => 'Custom message',
            // ...
    // ...

Single parameter messages

Defines a single error message for a request parameter, ignoring the validation rules. Overwrites all messages.

$container->validator->validate($request, [
    'get_or_post_parameter_name' => [
        'rules' => V::length(6, 25)->alnum('_')->noWhitespace(),
        'message' => 'This field must have a length between 6 and 25 characters and contain only letters and digits'
    // ...

Twig extension

This package comes with a Twig extension to display error messages and submitted values in your Twig templates. You can skip this step if you don't want to use it.

To use the extension, you must install twig first

$ composer require slim/twig-view


$container['view'] = function ($container) {
    // Twig configuration
    $view = new Slim\Views\Twig(...);
    // ...

    // Add the validator extension
        new Awurth\SlimValidation\ValidatorExtension($container['validator'])

    return $view;


{# Use has_errors() function to know if a form contains errors #}
{{ has_errors() }}

{# Use has_error() function to know if a request parameter is invalid #}
{{ has_error('param') }}

{# Use error() function to get the first error of a parameter #}
{{ error('param') }}

{# Use errors() function to get all errors #}
{{ errors() }}

{# Use errors() function with the name of a parameter to get all errors of a parameter #}
{{ errors('param') }}

{# Use val() function to get the value of a parameter #}
{{ val('param') }}


public function register(Request $request, Response $response)
    if ($request->isPost()) {
        $this->validator->validate($request, [
            'username' => V::length(6, 25)->alnum('_')->noWhitespace(),
            'email' => V::notBlank()->email(),
            'password' => [
                'rules' => v::length(6, 25),
                'messages' => [
                    'length' => 'This field must have a length between {{minValue}} and {{maxValue}} characters'
            'confirm_password' => [
                'rules' => v::equals($request->getParam('password')),
                'messages' => [
                    'equals' => 'The password confirmation must be equal to the password'
        if ($this->validator->isValid()) {
            // Register user in database
            return $response->withRedirect('url');
    return $this->view->render($response, 'register.twig');
<form action="url" method="POST">
    <input type="text" name="username" value="{{ val('username') }}">
    {% if has_error('username') %}<span>{{ error('username') }}</span>{% endif %}
    <input type="text" name="email" value="{{ val('email') }}">
    {% if has_error('email') %}<span>{{ error('email') }}</span>{% endif %}
    <input type="text" name="password">
    {% if has_error('password') %}<span>{{ error('password') }}</span>{% endif %}
    <input type="text" name="confirm_password">
    {% if has_error('confirm_password') %}<span>{{ error('confirm_password') }}</span>{% endif %}