
Unofficial Buffer SDK for PHP.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Buffer PHP SDK

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Unofficial Buffer SDK for PHP.

This package is compliant with PSR-0, PSR-1, and PSR-2. If you notice compliance oversights, please send a patch via pull request.


Via Composer:

    "require": {
        "ipalaus/buffer-php-sdk": "1.1.*"


First of all, you need a valid token to be able to send authorized requests to the Buffer API. You can register your app and use the provided access token or get a user's token authenticating with OAuth 2.0.

Once you have a valid token, you can create a new TokenAuthorization instance and then create a Client instance:

use Ipalaus\Buffer\Client;
use Ipalaus\Buffer\TokenAuthorization;

$auth = new TokenAuthorization('access_token');

$client = new Client($auth);



A user represents a single Buffer user account.

Get a user

Returns a single user.

$user = $client->getUser();


A Buffer profile represents a connection to a single social media account.

Get profiles

Returns an array of social media profiles connected to a users account.

$profiles = $client->getProfiles();

Get a single profile

Returns details of the single specified social media profile.


Get posting schedules

Returns details of the posting schedules associated with a social media profile.


Set posting schedules

Set the posting schedules for the specified social media profile.

use Ipalaus\Buffer\Schedule;

$schedule = new Schedule;

// you can pass a single string or an array
$schedule->addDay(array('tue', 'wed')); 

// same for time
$schedule->addTime(array('12:00', '15:00')); 

$client->updateProfileSchedules('id', $schedule);

// alternative syntax, even shorter
$schedule = new Schedule(array('mon', 'tue', 'wed'), array('09:00', '12:00', '15:00'));
$client->updateProfileSchedules($id, $schedule);

// multiple schedules
$weekdays = new Schedule(array('mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri'), array('09:00', '12:00', '16:00');
$weekends = new Schedule(array('sat', 'sun'), array('12:00', '18:00');

$client->updateProfileSchedules($id, array($weekdays, $weekends));

Note: updating multiple schedules only works for paid plans. Unfortunately, if we try to update multiple schedules in a free plan it will simply erase everything.


An update represents a single post to a single social media account. An update can also include media attachments such as pictures and links.

Get a update

Returns a single social media update.


Get pending updates

Returns an array of updates that are currently in the buffer for an individual social media profile.


// optional parameters
$client->getProfilePendingUpdates($id, $page = null, $count = null, $since = null, $utc = false)
  • $page integer Specifies the page of status updates to receive. If not specified the first page of results will be returned.
  • $count integer Specifies the number of status updates to receive. If provided, must be between 1 and 100.
  • $since integer Specifies a unix timestamp which only status updates created after this time will be retrieved.
  • $utc boolean If utc is set times will be returned relative to UTC rather than the users associated timezone.

Get sent updates

Returns an array of updates that have been sent from the buffer for an individual social media profile.


// optional parameters
$client->getProfileSentUpdates($id, $page = null, $count = null, $since = null, $utc = false);
  • $page integer Specifies the page of status updates to receive. If not specified the first page of results will be returned.
  • $count integer Specifies the number of status updates to receive. If provided, must be between 1 and 100.
  • $since integer Specifies a unix timestamp which only status updates created after this time will be retrieved.
  • $utc boolean If utc is set times will be returned relative to UTC rather than the users associated timezone.

Get update interactions

Returns the detailed information on individual interactions with the social media update such as favorites, retweets and likes.


// optional parameters
$client->getUpdateInteractions($id, $page = null, $count = null, $event = null);
  • $page integer Specifies the page of interactions to receive. If not specified the first page of results will be returned.
  • $count integer Specifies the number of interactions to receive. If provided, must be between 1 and 100.
  • $event string Specifies a type of event to be retrieved, for example "retweet", "favorite", "like", "comment", "mention" or "share". They can also be plural (e.g., "shares"). Plurality has no effect other than visual semantics.

Note: I think there is a bug in this endpoint. I've to dig dipper to find out what's going on.

Reorder updates

Edit the order at which statuses for the specified social media profile will be sent out of the buffer.

$client->reorderProfileUpdates($id, array($update1, $update3, $update5));

// optional parameters
$client->reorderProfileUpdates($id, $order, $offset = null, $utc = false)
  • $order array An ordered array of status update id’s. This can be a partial array in combination with the offset parameter or a full array of every update in the profiles Buffer.
  • $offset integer Specifies the number of status updates to receive. If provided, must be between 1 and 100.
  • $utc boolean If utc is set times will be returned relative to UTC rather than the users associated timezone.

Randomize updates order

Randomize the order at which statuses for the specified social media profile will be sent out of the buffer.


// optional parameters
$client->shuffleProfileUpdates($id, $count = null, $utc = false);
  • $count integer Specifies the number of status updates returned. These will correspond to the first status updates that will be posted.
  • $utc boolean If utc is set times will be returned relative to UTC rather than the users associated timezone.

Create a update

Create one or more new status updates.

use Ipalaus\Buffer\Update;

$update = new Update;

$update->text = 'Check out my website!';

$update->shorten = 'false'; // optional, default: true 
$update->now = 'false'; // optional, default: true
$update->top = 'true'; // optional, default: false
$update->attachment = 'false'; // optional, default: true

// adding media is optional, available options: link, description, picture, thumbnail
$update->addMedia('link', 'http://ipalaus.com');
$update->addMedia('description', 'Isern Palaus personal website.');
$update->addMedia('picture', 'http://ipalaus.com/img/isern-palaus_smile.jpg');
$update->addMedia('thumbnail', 'http://ipalaus.com/img/isern-palaus_smile.jpg'); // required with picture

// schedule a update is optional 
$update->schedule(time() + 3600); // you can use timestamp
$update->schedule('2013-12-23 12:03:23'); // or a valid date/time string

  • Update::$text string The status update text.
  • Profiles Profile id’s that the status update should be sent to. Invalid profile_id’s will be silently ignored.
  • Update::$shorten boolean If shorten is false links within the text will not be automatically shortened, otherwise they will.
  • Update::$now boolean If now is set, this update will be sent immediately to all profiles instead of being added to the buffer.
  • Update::$top boolean If top is set, this update will be added to the top of the buffer and will become the next update sent.
  • Media Media to be attached to the update, currently accepts link, description and picture parameters.
  • Schedule A date describing when the update should be posted. Overrides any top or now parameter.

Update an update

Edit an existing, individual status update.

$update = new Update;
$update->text = 'Lorem ipsum'; // required

$client->updateUpdate($id, $update);
  • Update::$text string The status update text.
  • Update::$now boolean If now is set, this update will be sent immediately to all profiles instead of being added to the buffer.
  • Media Media to be attached to the update, currently accepts link, description and picture parameters.
  • Schedule A date describing when the update should be posted. Overrides any top or now parameter.

Share an update

Immediately shares a single pending update and recalculates times for updates remaining in the queue.


Destroy an update

Permanently delete an existing status update.


Move update to top

Move an existing status update to the top of the queue and recalculate times for all updates in the queue. Returns the update with its new posting time.



A link represents a unique URL that has been shared through Buffer.


Returns an object with a the numbers of shares a link has had using Buffer. www will be stripped, but other subdomains will not.



This namespace is used for auxilary information that can be useful when creating your app.

Get configuration

Returns an object with the current configuration that Buffer is using, including supported services, their icons and the varying limits of character and schedules.

The services keys map directly to those on profiles and updates so that you can easily show the correct icon or calculate the correct character length for an update.


Buffer Button

You can also generate a Buffer Button with the SDK:

use Ipalaus\Buffer\Button;

// available count styles: vertical, horizontal or none
echo Button::create('vertical');

// our even simpler
echo Button::vertical();

// optional parameters
Button::create($style, $tweet = null, $url = null, $username = null, $picture = null);
  • $style string Where the counter is positioned, options: vertical, horizontal or none.
  • $tweet string Blank to use title of the page the button is on.
  • $url string Blank to use URL for the page the button is on
  • $username string Twitter username to mention.
  • $picture string URL of picture you want to share (optional).


Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub.


This package is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.