
Material design action button for React Native

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Floating action button for React Native

Expo example

Open the following click on your phone: Expo link

Use it on Expo



npm i react-native-floating-action --save


yarn add react-native-floating-action


To see how works, take a look into example/FloatingAction

First step: import the component:

import { FloatingAction } from 'react-native-floating-action';

Second step: define the buttons

  const actions = [{
    text: 'Accessibility',
    icon: require('./images/ic_accessibility_white.png'),
    name: 'bt_accessibility',
    position: 2
  }, {
    text: 'Language',
    icon: require('./images/ic_language_white.png'),
    name: 'bt_language',
    position: 1
  }, {
    text: 'Location',
    icon: require('./images/ic_room_white.png'),
    name: 'bt_room',
    position: 3
  }, {
    text: 'Video',
    icon: require('./images/ic_videocam_white.png'),
    name: 'bt_videocam',
    position: 4

Third step: use it

    <View style={styles.container}>
      <Text style={styles.example}>
        Floating Action example
          (name) => {
            console.log(`selected button: ${name}`);



Property Type Default Description
actions array [] Actions to be show once user press the main button
buttonColor string #1253bc Color of the main button
distanceToEdge number 30 Distance from button to edge
visible boolean true Hide or Show the component using an animation
overlayColor string rgba(68, 68, 68, 0.6) Color of the background overlay
position string right Position to render the main button and actions, options: (left, right, center)
overrideWithAction string false Override the main action with the first action inside list actions, will not show other action
floatingIcon node ReactElement
onPressItem function Function to be call as soon as the user select an option from actions. Will return the name of the action.


Property Type Default Description
color string #1253bc Color of the action button
icon any Icon to be rendered inside the action, will accept an URL or React.Image. If we want to send an URL we need to send it in this way: icon: { uri: 'https://imageurl.com' } if we want to send a React.Image we will use it in this way: icon: require('path/image')
name string Name of the icon, this name is used as parameter for onPressItem action
text string Text to show near to the button. This option only works for position = ['left', 'right']


  • first implementation
  • example
  • add colors configurations
  • add more positions like left, center and right
  • support hide or show the component with an animation
  • add sizing configurations
  • change plus icon to be customizable
  • use components as icon