
Namespace Selector EL example from Tekton Triggers with Knative and scripts to test scaling

Primary LanguageShell

Namespace Selector EventListener

Creates an EventListener that serve triggers in multiple namespaces.

Try it out locally:

  1. To create the namespace selector trigger and all related resources, run:

    kubectl apply -f .
  2. Port forward:

    kubectl port-forward service/el-namespace-selector-listener 8080
  3. Create sample pipeline in namespace foo:

    kubectl apply -f ../../example-pipeline.yaml -n foo
  4. Test by sending the sample payload.

        curl -k -v \
        -H 'X-GitHub-Event: pull_request' \
        -H 'X-Hub-Signature: sha1=8d7c4d33686fd908394208a07d997b8f5bd70aa6' \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -d '{"head_commit":{"id":"28911bbb5a3e2ea034daf1f6be0a822d50e31e73"},"action": "opened", "pull_request":{"head":{"sha": "28911bbb5a3e2ea034daf1f6be0a822d50e31e73"}},"repository":{"clone_url": "https://github.com/tektoncd/triggers.git", "url":"https://github.com/tektoncd/triggers.git"}}' \

    The response status code should be 202 Accepted

  5. You should see a new Pipelinerun that got created:

    tkn pr -n foo list