
ansi code handling for ascii-art

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

                   _  _                       _
                  (_)(_)                     | |
  __ _  ___   ___  _  _  ______   __ _  _ __ | |_
 / _` |/ __| / __|| || ||______| / _` || '__|| __|
| (_| |\__ \| (__ | || |        | (_| || |   | |_
 \__,_||___/ \___||_||_|         \__,_||_|    \__|


NPM version npm Travis

This module allows you to work with ansi strings in a style aware way, so you aren't constantly doing string manipulation and scanning when working with terminal strings. It offers a clean abstraction to build ascii-art utilities on top of.


npm install ascii-art-ansi



To do anything with it, you'll need to include the library:

    const ansi = require('ascii-art-ansi');
    const color = require('ascii-art-ansi/color');

.map(ansiString, handler)

Map through an ansi string one character at a time, without any of those characters being styles.

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi

Param Type Description
ansiString string input string to map across
handler function the function to map through the string


    var result = ansi.map(
        function(chr, codes, rowcol, pos, shortcircuit){
            // chr : the character
            // codes : a list of the active ansi codes as strings
            // rowcol: array of the 2D position of chr in a multiline string
            // pos : the position of the character
            // shortcircuit : function which stops processing after return


The number of non ansi code characters in the string

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi

Param Type Description
ansiString string input string to measure


    var result = ansi.length(ansiString);


Remove any ansi codes from the string

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi

Param Type Description
ansiString string input string to measure


    var result = ansi.strip(ansiString);


convert this string to an array of characters

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi

Param Type Description
ansiString string input string to measure


    var result = ansi.toArray(ansiString);


Extract a specific character from the string, by position Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi

Param Type Description
ansiString string input string to measure


    var chr = ansi.charAt(ansiString, 4);

.substring(ansiString, start, stop)

Like the javascript built-in substring, but ansi aware

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi

Param Type Description
ansiString string input string to measure


    var chr = ansi.trimTo(ansiString, 4);


Intersect/overlay any number of strings

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi

Param Type Description
inputString(N) string input string to measure
callback function callback to handle asynchronous return, if omitted, a promise is returned


    var chr = ansi.intersect(s1, s2, s3, function(err, result){
        // ['A  ', ' B ', '  C'] -> 'ABC'


Intersect/overlay any number of strings and include their styles

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi

Param Type Description
inputString(N) string input string to measure
callback function callback to handle asynchronous return, if omitted, a promise is returned


    var chr = ansi.interstyle(s1, s2, s3, function(err, result){
        // ['A  ', ' B ', '  C'] -> 'ABC'


Intersect/overlay any number of strings and include their styles

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi

Param Type Description
options Object options


    var color = new Color('#FFFFFF')


Compute the code for the given hex color (closest within the active palette)

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi/color

Param Type Description
value string the hex value color of the color


    var ansiCode = Color.code('#FF0000');


Compute the code for the given named color (closest within the active palette)

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi/color

Param Type Description
value string the name of the color


    var ansiCode = Color.name('red');


If set colors will be computed using 256 colors instead of 16. Colors are averaged according to a color averaging scheme which can be changed with Color.useDistance(name); where name is one of euclideanDistance, classic, ratioDistance, classicByValue, CIE76Difference, closestByIntensity, rankedChannel, simple, original

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi/color


    Color.is256 = true;


If set colors will be computed using millions of colors

Kind: static property of ascii-art-ansi/color


    Color.isTrueColor = true;



  • color reducer
  • streaming
  • pluggable colorsets/encodings


In the root directory run:

npm run test

Please make sure to run the tests before submitting a patch and report any rough edges. Thanks!


-Abbey Hawk Sparrow