_ _ _
(_)(_) | |
__ _ ___ ___ _ _ ______ __ _ _ __ | |_
/ _` |/ __| / __|| || ||______| / _` || '__|| __|
| (_| |\__ \| (__ | || | | (_| || | | |_
\__,_||___/ \___||_||_| \__,_||_| \__|
This module handles the installation, rendering and management of figlet fonts.
Figlet fonts are an ASCII art font standard, widely used for terminal output.
It looks something like this:
______ _
| _ \ | |
| | | | ___ _ __ ___ ___ | |
| | | | / _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | |
| |/ / | __/| | | | | || (_) ||_|
|___/ \___||_| |_| |_| \___/ (_)
npm install ascii-art-table
To do anything with it, you'll need to include the library:
const Font = require('ascii-art-font');
- ascii-art-font
- Font.create(string, font, handler) ⇒ Promise (if no callback)
Map through an ansi string one character at a time, without any of those characters being styles.
Kind: static property of ascii-art-font
Param | Type | Description |
text | string |
the string to render in block form |
styles | string |
the styles to apply to all lines |
callback | function(err, result) |
the callback |
To set the directory of the fonts:
Font.fontPath = 'Fonts';
Then to render some text:
Font.create('my text', 'Doom', function(rendered){
//do stuff here