
Just so I don't have to include test data in the main repo

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


This setup normalizes a from source usage for all environments (node/browser+modules/commonjs). It babel compiles the commonjs files into /dist and it (from jsdoc) compiles both docs (in /docs) and typescript types (alongside the source in /src).

It sets up a single test that is used in headless, browser and node modes, has a sane set of lint rules and husky bindings to make sure you:

  1. don't have to do any of it manually
  2. it all stays up to date
  3. You write in a single format
  4. The source you are writing is executable as-is in node + the browser
  5. 1 file to rule them all

This allows you to use either source tree for compilation as well.


You need a copy of jq installed in order to initialize


fork as a template in github then clone it locally


use the github cli to create a template from the repo

    gh repo create --template="@environment-safe/template" <new-repo-name>


Use degit to copy the repo with no history

    mkdir <new-repo-name>
    cd <new-repo-name>
    npx degit environment-safe/template
    git init


Once you've done that, change directories into the project directory and run ./initialize which will configure your package.json, your LICENSE and your README.md(this file) and remove any artifacts as well as itself and stage the changes for commit.


When you commit, the rest of the artifacts will be generated and added to your commit.

When you come back this will all be gone. Good Luck!


  • - submodule for minimal project footprint
  • - support windows development
  • - support multiple licenses
  • - support electron
  • - support cordova


Run the es module tests to test the root modules

npm run import-test

to run the same test inside the browser:

npm run browser-test

to run the same test headless in chrome:

npm run headless-browser-test

to run the same test inside docker:

npm run container-test

Run the commonjs tests against the /dist commonjs source (generated with the build-commonjs target).

npm run require-test


All work is done in the .mjs files and will be transpiled on commit to commonjs and tested.

If the above tests pass, then attempt a commit which will generate .d.ts files alongside the src files and commonjs classes in dist