
My configs for Arch linux bspwm/hyprland/sway setup

Primary LanguageLua


This is for Arch or Arch based linux distros. But you can try this on any distro as long as you can suffice the dependencies.

  • Dependencies
swayfx swaybg hyprland waybar wofi wezterm fish starship dunst libnotify wireplumber ttf-iosevka ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols adw-gtk-theme adwaita-icon-theme
  • Optional Dependencies
grimblast # For taking screenshots
wl-clipboard wl-clip-persist-git # Clipboard daemon
neovim tree-sitter ripgrep fd unzip npm gcc make lua-jsregexp # For my nvim setup
lf chafa pistol-bin # For lf tui file manager
tmux # For tmux obviously

First we need to install paru the AUR helper:

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/paru.git
cd paru
makepkg -si

Using curl to run the installation script:

curl -s -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/khsaad04/dotfiles-archlinux/main/install.sh | bash